BROTHERHOOD IS POWER PHILIPPIANS 3:7-8. JOHN 14:12. REVELATION 2:26-28 The Kingdom of God is power. The scripture has it that verily, verily, I say unto you whosoever believes in me the work that I do shall he do, even great works shall he do because I go unto the Father. Now looking at the mighty works done in Brotherhood, does it not show greater works done since the creation of the world? I am a witness and you are equally a witness to these works. Ever since the world was created by God, have you witness this type of mighty works before? Peter and the other disciples were beheaded for saying that Christ is the Son of God. Even when Christ said He is the Son of God, He was rounded up and killed. There was no other reason for His dead. It was not because He raised the dead or made the blind to see but for saying that He is the Son of God and so has compared Himself with God. But today the reverse is the case, here in Brotherhood you people are shouting that Olumba Olumba Obu is God, by calling this name do you hear anyone complaining or does anyone raise his head? You enter into the governors house and declare to him that the house you are occupying belongs to God. Will you hear his voice? When you declare that you are a child of God, the people you are speaking with look at themselves and after that they move away quietly without making any utterance. Some people will say, but Olumba will die one day, allow them to talk after all when Christ was alive His disciples were not bold enough to profess His name to the people and while He was being crucified all His disciples went into hiding. Christ did not promise those who believe in Him, money, car, wife, or good health, but He said all those who surrender themselves and believe in Him shall be endowed with power. The power to raised the dead, make the blind to see and heal the sick, are we not doing similar works in this fold? Brotherhood is power, if you ask people from northern Cross River state about Brotherhood, they will not give you long answer. They rather refer to Brotherhood as Utibe meaning wonderful. HOLD FIRM UNTO GOD Brethren, we are thankful to the Father for the revelation of this days Gospel. Even when your enemy requests for a hand shake with you and without hesitation you shake his hand, he will confirm the fact that you are a wonderful man, you will then wonder how the man managed to know that you are wonderful. And before the person departs from you he will give you a closing remarks thus, hold firm to that your God for all efforts to terminate your life always result in a fiasco. What I am telling you happened in Ikot Abasi local government area to our brother, a policeman. This brother has no rank, he is just an ordinary policeman in the force. One day the D.P.O. (Divisional Police Officer) attached to the area summoned all the paramount rulers, titled chiefs, and other people including policemen and women to a crucial meeting. The D.P.O. declared to all of them that anytime they have problems with any Brotherhood person, they should not go to consult native doctors or engage in anything diabolical about the person in question. He further said that juju or charms does not have effect on them. No cutlass can cut them, if you shoot at them with gun, gunshots does not penetrate them. The D.P.O. finally ended his warning by saying that the only solution is to use all sort of foolish talks about them. And that explains why you see the world resorting to blackmailing the fold and her membership. And they refer to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members as bloodsuckers, ghost and so on. He confessed openly that the money he spent in order to eliminate the Brotherhood man in his office could have been enough to buy three lorries for him. Who in the entire world is blackmailed as such, that his wife will not run away from him. If it is your husband he will equally abandon you, even if you attempt to defend yourself in anyway he will not want to listen to you. When you are called murderer, that is all and all your attempt to exonerate yourself from such accusation amount to nothing. The more you try to exonerate yourself, the more you provoke others. THE KINGDOM IS POWER The whole world attributes the embodied power here to that of Beelzebub, vampire and apparition, but before they know it, the power swallows them. This proves to you that the Kingdom of God is power, God is power, and Christ is power. what explanation are you waiting for in order to know that God is here on earth? Where would He pass through in the first place? Which work is greater than the work performed by Christ? He fell down in an attempt to carry the cross. He was crucified, disgraced, there was nothing that was not done to Him. He said whosever believes in Him shall do greater works than He did. Now tell me, which work is greater than the work He did? If you are disgraced, He was first disgraced, if you are crucified, He was first crucified, again He received all forms of derision. Inform Me, which work is greater than the ones He did? The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu : The Everlasting Gospel, Vol. 2, Chapter 89:86-113. Pages 570-571.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:54:47 +0000

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