BROTHERS.1 INTERPRETATION OF PROPHECIES,(REVELATION JOHN).In Chapter 24 of Matthew, Christ is asked about the destruction of Jerusalem and the second coming. Verses 15-21 are a separate section and refer to the destruction of Jerusalem. The days of vengeance are the ones mentioned in Luke 21:22. Someone is taking vengeance on this people. From verses 1 to 15 and after 21, the second coming is mentioned (“nation will rise against nation”), but the end will not come; afterwards, the Gospel will be preached all over the world and there will be immense sadness and then he will come. From the wars to the second coming, these events will take place in one generation (Matthew 24:34). Let us examine whether this fits with our generation. We have had the First and Second World Wars, the Gospel is preached all over the world (or something will happen and suddenly the entire world will read the Gospel). From 1914, the First World War, until the coming of Christ would be one generation. He will probably come before all those born in 1914 have died. This is connected with the idea that during the last years, the devil will be thrown to the Earth and will possess great anger (Revelation, Chapter 12). Chapter 9 of Revelation mentions locusts that will be a tyranny for the unbelievers (the chosen ones will undergo tyranny in any case(12,17.revelation JOHN).and in the end,greater GRIEF,Because of the increase of wickedness.). the people will seek death. The locusts have as their king the angel of the abyss, namely the devil. They must be demons that will appear with their demonic appearance, but also with some human elements. They will have wings and tails. They will have iron breastplates. That is, they will be beings from the kingdom of the devil, strong as iron (Examples: 2:40-42 and Chapter 7 of Daniel).Chapter 16 of the Revelation says that 3 demonic spirits will come out of the mouth of the beast to overthrow the kings of the Earth. In Chapter 9 of Revelation, we can assume that the stings will come from the tails of the demons and they will bring depression to mankind, but they will have golden wreaths, human faces, and womens hair. This gives us the right to suppose that they will become kings, but also women. Concerning the horses mentioned subsequently, the horses and the horsemen wear fiery blue and yellow breastplates. The steel that protects tanks is forged by fire and takes on a yellow color, and when it cools, a blue color. The horsemen also wear the same protection because they are inside the tanks. The turrets of the tanks are large (the upper part of the tanks) and they are described as lions heads. Fire comes out of the mouths of the heads, and they kill people. Regarding the snake tails, any extension that looks like an animals tail is called a tail; (It does not need to be behind to be called a tail) therefore, it means the gun. Tank turrets have a hole in them (the barrel through which rounds are fired), the gun continues forward, resembling a snake, and the ancient text says that the tails resemble snakes, not that the tails have snakes heads on them. Therefore, the beginning of the tail is the large tank turret, the lions head (imagine a pen stuck into an apple). The pen looks like a snake (the tail – gun barrel) and has a large head, that is, the apple. In Chapter 12, the woman must be the people of Israel. She has the sun as a garment (the sun is burning hot in Israel). The moon below her feet may mean that they are walking and living in the desert (in a deserted, moon-like landscape). The 12 stars on her head are the 12 tribes of Israel. The dragon attempted to eat her child (he made Herod slaughter all the babies). The child was born and will be a shepherd, that is, Christ. For example, Revelation 19:15. Only Christ was snatched up to God, and afterwards the Jews (the woman) left for the desert because Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. In the last years, the devil will persecute the woman (the Jews were persecuted in the Second World War). However, they fled to their place in the desert, namely Israel, and they hid for 3.5 years. The industrial slaughter of the Jews lasted from December 1941 to May 1945, namely 3.5 years. That is, they were hidden for 3.5 years because for 3.5 years they were being annihilated. When it says “he will persecute them”, this probably means the 3.5 years of the Holocaust. The river that the devil threw down, must be the wars, tHAT HAVE BEEN DONE,At that time,at Israel .And then the dragon went to persecute her other children, the faithful. We, the faithful, are children of the Jews because they gave birth to Christ (“Abraham, I will make you father of many nations”, Romans 4:17 and Galatians 3). Chapter 13 of Revelation speaks about the Antichrist. He has 7 heads, and one of the 7 heads is himself, because he had a deadly wound and was cured. Revelation presents him with a human appearance and says that 1)He will resemble a leopard. Place a photograph of Hitler next to a photograph of a cheetah and see whether Hitlers mustache seems to depict the black nostrils of the cheetah. Hitler had a feline gaze and catlike eyes[face,feline,catlike]. That is, he resembled a cat, but resembled feline, the cheetah, much more. 2) Bears feet: unspecified. He may have had flat feet or something similar. In any case, the Austrian army had declared him unfit in World War I and he could not go past the rank of corporal. 3)The mouth of a lion: in his speeches, he shouted with a loud voice, like a lion (e.g. Revelation 10:3). 4)He spoke words of blasphemy. He cursed Christianity. In 1943, when he was defeated at Stalingrad, he said that the worst thing for humanity was Christianity (strange words for the head of a Christian state). 5)He made war against the saints. Those who he killed and did not take up arms,(BECAUSE OF faith in Christ) they are the saints(Matthew 5.Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called children of God).6)He was granted power to wage war for 42 months and will subjugate all peoples. Truly, he held power for approximately 42 months during the Second World War. Military analysts say that where he was defeated was at Stalingrad on February 2, 1943( At Stalingrad,STOPPED to be powerful.REVELATION OF JOHN 1 MONTH = 30 DAYS.(42 MONTHS = 1260 days).1-9-1939 UNTIL 02/02/1943 Stalingrad,1252 DAYS .1252/30 = 41.7 MONTHS).3.5 years he had the upper hand in the war. He held the upper hand for neither 3 nor 4 years. 7)He had a deadly wound from a knife and was cured: Hitler had been wounded gravely in the First World War. 8)A second beast would assist him (the false prophet, Revelation 19:20). This may have been Goering, who was in charge of military development and would work wonders, miracles of military technology. He even launched fire from the sky, that is, from airplanes (he was also the head of the Air Force). And he gave breath to the image of the first beast and the image became active. With the growth of the military, the image gained breath and became active. That is, he made him strong, and those who did not bow down to them and did not support them were killed. And whoever did not engrave his name or the number of his name on his hand or his forehead could not buy anything, that is, whoever did not take up arms and kill with his hands, and did not place hatred in his forehead, would not buy anything, since they would imprison him or kill him. The name and the number 666 are allegorical and they mean imperfection, hatred, murder.(to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:example.(ΕXODUS CHAPTER 13.9-16).Deuteronomy (6,8) (11,18) “Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul,? and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.) Examples: Revelation 14:1, 22:4, 7:3, 15:2, 9:4, and Hebrews 8:10 and 10:17. This is why he persecuted the Jews, because they gave birth to Christ. Christ says that the destruction of Jerusalem are the days of vengeance in Luke 21:22. He also said that he would make an empire lasting one thousand years, as the Scripture also says about Christ in Chapter 20 of Revelation, but the fifth angel would darken the kingdom of the beast (Revelation 16:10). In the end, Hitler lost the war. But the Antichrist will come a second time, as Chapter 17 of Revelation says. This time, it describes him with his demonic appearance, as a red beast,(12,3),(13,1)(17,3)revelation JOHN. Several people will admire the eighth king, because he was and is not and will be present. That is, he lived and did not lived and was present again. Out of the seven kings, five fell, one was during the time that the Apocalypse occurred, and the 7th would remain for a short time. Since the 8th king has ten horns and seven heads, like the beast in Chapter 13 and one of the seven kings, due to the deadly wound that the beast has in Chapter 13. In Chapter 7 of Daniel, the beast that will speak great words and blasphemies (like the beast in Chapter 13). He will also be the last king.(The Antichrist will come after the 6th king.and will be the 7th). Thus, we are entitled to say that the seventh and the eighth king are the same.And if Hitler is the Antichrist, he will come again. And if he says that he is Christ, nobody should believe him. The Antichrist will come twice. The first time, he will be killed and his body will burn in the fire (Chapter 7 of Daniel), and the second (at the end) he will be thrown alive into the fiery lake (Chapter 19 of Revelation). Hitlers body was both put to death and then burned with fire. Chapter 7 of Daniel says that he wants to change the times and the laws. “Times” means that the beast wants to win the war and make changes. Chapter 17 of Revelation says that the 7th king will reign briefly. He wants to defeat Christ in the end and to change the one thousand-year reign of Christ (Revelation 20). Changing laws means the Christian laws= love, and passing his own ideology on to humanity, with his Bible (Mein Kampf=hatred). The eighth king, who will also be the last, will destroy a city that sits on seven hills, and the city became the home of demans. The blood of prophets and saints was found there. The one who will destroy this city is certainly the Antichrist, and afterwards he will fight Christ, who is to come. However, he may at the same time also destroy other cities in other states in order for us not to pay attention to the one with the seven hills. The devil will probably be on Earth when he will be arrested, because Revelation 20:3 says that afterwards he will be thrown into the abyss. We can assume that he will have become a human, and since the home of the demons became the city with the seven hills, that he lives there. The false prophet, that is, the second beast in Chapter 13, would have been present on Earth on another occasion as well, as a false prophet. He has two lambs horns. The lamb represents something good; therefore, this may be for deception and propaganda, two good elements. And since Christ says that in the end the greatest sadness will prevail, and since when you reach the point of seeking death this means that you possess the greatest sadness, what the locusts (the queens) will do gives us the right to suppose that this may be during the same era and that the queens will be at the end. Since the locusts are strong beings (with iron breastplates), and since at the end the eighth king will be the Antichrist, and he is also a strong being from the devils kingdom (see for example Daniel 7), this gives us the right to suppose that one of the locusts may be the eighth king. And if Hitler is the antichrist, he will come as a woman the second time(Someday will be transformed). A Christian does not kill-do not go to war.And while the Gospel says that whoever holds a knife will receive a life and we should turn the other cheek when struck and go as lambs to the slaughter (only power – the police – can hold a knife in order to punish the lawless, Romans 13) . Saint Peter attempted to protect Christ, who is superior to our country, our homes, and our children, and Christ said “Put your sword back in the scabbard, whoever holds a knife will die by the knife.” (Matthew 26:52). “Render evil to none in return for evil and do not take vengeance yourselves.” “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:17, I Peter 3:9),.while the Law refers that you will not make idols(20Ch 4-5 par(book which is called Exit) and gods made by hand are not gods,(acts of Apostles 19Chapter.26 paragraph).Some do idols,some worship and adore them. And while the law says that a divorced man can remarry only if his wife dies or engages in fornication,(MATTHEW 5.32) some people are marrying others indiscreetly. Although God forbids people to swear oaths(MATTHEW 5.33), some impose oaths and some swear them . While the law says that only God knows the time of the second coming(Mark 13 : 32 ), some Christians have set different years for the second coming and naturally, they were wrong . If,as they say, they have people who are directed by the Holy Spirit, then why were they wrong about the years?They have photos where Jesus is illustrated in their books.Making idols related with God is not allowed.20Ch 4par(book which is called Exit). While it says that with the first resurrection(revelation JOHN 20), only the chosen will be resurrected, and the rest will be after the one thousand years of Christs rule,some Christians say that all humans will be resurrected during those one thousand years. While the Apstole Paul says that the destructive man (the Antichrist) will come, and Chapter 7 of Daniel says that the beast was given a human heart, some Christians say that demons are not allowed to become humans. Whoever violates one point of the law, becomes a violator of the entire law (James 2:10). inside our homes with the Gospel in hand,we baptized Christians(two friends) because we read that baptism is very serious and we should have left the(precedent baptism) and believe only in Gospel in order to be sure. Why is the Gospel not advertised as much as it should be? After his human existence, Christ sat at the right hand of God. He is not God himself, but is his son. Ask what every religion believes. “Heresy” means that someone is doing different things from what Christ said. The gift called eternal life exists, and it is completely certain that it exists, but we did not insist strongly on learning about the one who resurrected Lazarus. God and his son are very sad for us. The Gospel needs persistence,faith and mainly love.Love is to take care of people who are next to you,to suffer with them when they have problems and are sad.If you have money you can borrow money to people who need it.Dont insult people of next door. When you are nervous dont burst in people of next door.Dont force in people of next door. And never feel superior from people of next door. All people are equal and have the same Christ and Father. The Devil is responsible.and Jews killed Muslims .Muslims killed Jews.Japan killed Chinese. Chinese killed Japan.Americans killed Germans.Germans killed Americans.etc.(breeds there are no.AND WE ARE ALL BROTHERS. (Galatians 3:28). There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus).Matthew 25.41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 01:54:12 +0000

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