BSc. Horti seat issue: Sit-in protest held in - TopicsExpress


BSc. Horti seat issue: Sit-in protest held in Kohima Correspondent Kohima Aug 19 (NPN):Published on 20 Aug. 2014 2:08 AM IST Yaongyimsen Kaketshir Telongjem (Yaongyimsen Students’ union) organized sit-in protest in support of Watinaro A Imsong, a candidate who was denied a B.Sc (Horticulture) under DYSPU at Secretariat Junction, Kohima Tuesday. Addressing the gathering, Watinaro said let this protest be the beginning of new revolution against corruption and appealed the gathering to fight till justice was delivered. Naga Student Federation (NSF) president Tongpang Ozukum in his address said from the day the news was brought to the federation, they appealed the government to deliver justice. He said the NSF would never shy away from its responsibilities so that “bad system” was cleaned up in all the departments. ANCSU president said his union fully supported the fight for justice and appealed the state government to take up corrective measures. Former NLA speaker Z. Lohe said such an incident was a bad example in a Christian state and the system should be set right. Retired IAS officer Khekiye Sema in his address said the gathering was not for Watinaro alone but against the wrong system in our society. ACAUT representatives, Youth Association of Nagaland, All Nagaland VDB association representative, AKM, Ao Students’ Union, Dimapur and other organizations addressed the gathering. Govt. requests DYSP University: Department of Horticulture (DoH), Nagaland government has requested Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture (DYSPUH), Himachal Pradesh to admit Watinaro A. Imsong for the course of B.Sc. (Horti) and to let her join the university without further loss of time. The request was made following the vacation of the seat after Imnatemsu Imchen withdrew his candidature for the same seat on August 18. In an official communication forwarded to DYSPUH assistant registrar (academic), commissioner & secretary, horticulture L. Kire requested the university to admit Watinaro for the course in place of Imnatemsu Imchen against the seat allocated to the state by NEC. The department of higher & technical education has also forwarded a similar letter to DYSPUH on the nomination of candidate for B.Sc (Horti) for the year 2014-15. In the letter, commissioner & secretary F.P. Solo said the DoH has withdrawn Imnatemsu Imchen from the course and “re-nominated” Watinaro A. Imsong against the seat as she was earlier selected for the course on the basis of her performance in AIPMT. ACAUT, YKT write to CM ACAUT Nagaland and Yaongyimsen Kaketshir Telongjem (YKT) have sought the attention of the chief minister with regard to B.Sc (Horti) seat issue. In two separate letters addressed to the chief minster with the ACAUT through its co-chairperson Joel Nillo Kath and convenor Hetoi Chishi ACAUT and YKT president Alem Imsong and general secretary Asangla Longkumer put forth the following demands to the state government for immediate action and rectification: They said “Ms. Watinaro should be given what is rightfully her seat under B.Sc (Horti) course, YSP University, Himachal Pradesh”. ACAUT and YKT pointed out that henceforth, government should “clearly notify that the Directorate of Technical Education is to be the sole nodal department for selection of candidates to MBBS, Undergraduate Engineering and allied courses for all reserved seats including those under North-East Council (NEC)”. It also demanded “disciplinary action” initiated against the director of Horticulture for misusing her position. They also demanded the director of Technical Education to officially “clarify why this lapse was allowed to happen at the cost of a meritorious student. “Disciplinary action to be taken against the Director if found wanting”, they said. The organizations also pointed out that the role of NEC should be questioned in this controversy. ACAUT and YKT have also sought “unconditional apology” from the State chief secretary. It said “the CS instead of resolving the issue in favour of the rightful candidate, Ms. Watinaro wrote to NEC asking for another 1 seat so that the rightful student could be accommodated elsewhere”. They stated that “this action amounted to giving official sanction to what is clearly blatant misuse of official position by the Director of Horticulture in nominating Imnatemsu”. Meanwhile in another statement, ACAUT said that the CM had assured Watinaro to be re-nominated for the said course in the university. CM also assured the team that the role of Horticulture Director on this issue would be probed. ACAUT said that the “Chief Secretary on her part apologized for the imbroglio and also said that since re-nomination of Watinaro to the said university has been decided, the question of the government asking for 1 more seat in YSP University to accommodate Imnatemsu does not arise”.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:26:58 +0000

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