family has been wonderful during this ordeal. Those of - TopicsExpress

   family has been wonderful during this ordeal. Those of you who know Randy, know what a super guy he is and my kids are amazing. Chris got the boys to the ER to see that I was alright! J.J. cried when he saw me on the floor and said, "Daddy, Mam is damaged!" My daughter-in-law, Marianne, sat on the floor with me, wiped my tears, offered hugs galore and finished making the dinner I had started...and it was delicious! (She and Chris are really good cooks!) next in the door of the trauma bay, was Chad of course...always at the ready! He stayed with us until I was discharged. In the meantime, Chris, Marianne, Jacob, J.J. and Bo picked up my meds and made room for me and my wheelchair at the house! Then it came time to get me in the car for the ride back to Pataskala...Chad and Randy getting me in the car was, well let me just say...thank goodness for strong backs! We got to the house and Chris, Chad and Randy, unloaded and lifted me into the house and Marianne wheeled me into the family room! Now, here is the kicker...Chris & Chad took the bed apart in the guest room (2 story house created an issue!!!) moved it to the living room, put it back together and made a comfortable place for me to sleep! Matthew was calling, Ted and Mary came to the hospital, Gayle has called from CT and they are still going to be able to take their little anniversary getaway with the help of some very nice members of their church. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, kind words and love!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:40:50 +0000

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