**BUCURESTI, URGENT nevoie de cazare sau familii adoptive pentru - TopicsExpress


**BUCURESTI, URGENT nevoie de cazare sau familii adoptive pentru peste 20 pisici si pui din incinta fostei IMGB!!!! Cazul cel mai urgent este al pisicutei care a fost sterilizata si este cazata la cabinet cu cei 3 pui ce i-au mai ramas!!!! Nu mai putem sustine cazarea lor acolo, avem nevoie de foster sau familii adoptive URGENT!!!! Va rugam sa le ajutati sa nu ramana in curtea fabricii, intrucat mai multe pisici au murit din cauza otravii puse ori "special" pt ei sau pentru soareci/sobolani! (unul din pui a murit chiar ieri!!!!)!!! Pentru orice tip de ajutor (cazare/adoptie/donatii) va rog trimiteti mesaj privat sau mail, iar share-ul este obligatoriu pentru a salva cat mai repede TOATE pisicutele!!!! Multumim!!!!!! ** BUCHAREST, URGENT need accommodation or foster homes for over 20 cats and kittens inside the former IMGB factory’s yard!! The most urgent case is the cat that has been spayed and is at the veterinary clinic with the 3 kittens she has left!! We can not sustain anymore their accommodation there, we need foster or adoptive families URGENT! Please help them not to remain in the factory’s yard, because many cats have died from poison put "special" for them or for mice / rats (one of the kittens died just yesterday!!!)!!! For any kind of help (accomodation/adoption/donations) please send a private message or an e-mail; share-ing is a must to save as soon as possible ALL kitties!! Thank you!! Contact: beatrice_madalina@yahoo , valeria2707@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 20:08:06 +0000

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