BUGANDA NATION- REFERENDUM MOVEMENT-(BNRM) REVOLUTION KUGUGUBA KAZI-MOTO (RKK) We the advocates of the Buganda Nation Are descendant citizens of the once independent Nation Buganda with roots and or other ties to the Buganda ancestors; Recognizing that we share common social, cultural, political and economic Interests; Desirous of pursuing and promoting those interests; Realizing that the fulfillment of this desire is a function of our efforts; Hereby resolve and have come together to restore the Buganda Nation of our forefathers which has been in enslaved captivity for the last 48 years. In part we seek to restore the dignity of Ssekabaka Mutesa II, who through a fraudulent scheme championed by the British was deprived of his rights and was twice exiled from his kingdom for his principled stand against oppression of his people. Ours is to restore the Buganda Nation to where the colonialist found it or where they left it in 1962 under the term of the terms of the 1961 agreement, which was fraudulently overthrown militarily together with the 1962 Independence Constitution in 1966 using the very armed forces entrusted to protect that agreement. We raise to the call of Ssekabaka Mutesa II’s when he said while in exile in England that: “One day, there shall raise up a generation of warriors among my subjects who will seek the truth and restore the Nation Buganda from occupation and oppression” We are that generation tofulfill his prophesy, therefore we proceed as follows: We pledge our allegiance to God and to the Buganda Nation, our mother land. We acknowledge that Maama Buganda has given birth to many generations and the current generations stands at 9.2 million; We are forever indebted and proud and grateful to be Maama Buganda’s children. Due to the oppression and sufferings of our people we have experienced during the past decade up to current, we have decided to gather our people and educate them about the history of what led our nation to be oppressed; to be under occupation; and further more to be under captivity to this very day hence the reason why we are abused and treated as though we are foreigners in our homeland. We decided to research the history of the ancient days of the Buganda Nation so that we are able to diagnose the source of our dilemma coupled with other issues that have bedeviled Maama Buganda. The diagnosis revealed that Maama Buganda was an independent Nation with a civil administration taking care of its affairs and those of its people in a parent like manner. Our problems began when the British protectorate cunningly forced us into a fraudulent Uganda Project, which has been a liability to our existence and development. Maama Buganda was conned in 1962 that, under the 1962 independence constitution of Uganda, she would enjoy a constitutional semi-autonomy under a ‘FEDERAL (FEDERO)’ arrangement. Such package seemed to be reasonable at the time but little did she know that it was a set up scheme to destroy the Buganda Nation and integrate it permanently into the Uganda Project. The drama was played out when she was given her independence 1962 a day before the Uganda Project was inaugurated on 9 October 1962 with her so-called independence. After her independence she was told to witness the independence of Uganda ceremony. During the ceremony Baganda were shocked to see the British handing over the instruments of power and authority above those of Buganda Nation to Milton Obote who was the nominated prime minister of Uganda. Many Baganda predicted that it was all a con and feared that the marriage wouldn’t last. Despite of the signs of unfaithfulness, Buganda Nation continued to hope that it would remain an independent Nation under a federal system, hoping that even other kingdoms, later would be independent and manage their own affairs. Unfortunately being that it was a scheme, problems in the marriage started to unravel with Prime Minister Milton Obote displaying his unfaithfulness to and against the requirements of the agreement, that later he would usurp all the powers, including declaring himself President of Uganda in a bloody coup that saw deaths of Maama Buganda’s children. In that year 1966, Prime Minister Obote abrogated the agreement of 1962 that allowed for the two nations coming together under the federal system of governance. Uganda decided to overlook the terms of the agreement and attacked the King of Buganda Palace with military might. There were heavy causalities amongst the Baganda people who gave it all to defend their King but unfortunately they were over-powered by the Uganda army. Lucky enough Ssekabaka Mutesa II managed to escape the death plot through Burundi to England. It is believed that while in exile, the government of Uganda pursued him ordered Britain not aid him with money and accommodation which they agreed to do, Uganda government later poisoned him dead. Uganda under Prime Minister Obote violated and also breached the ONLY AGREEMENT THAT HAD fused the BUGANDA NATION into the Uganda Project. He was later to write Buganda Nation out of Uganda Project as an entity by abolishing all the kingdoms and fulfilling the scheme’s agenda of ruling over the Baganda. 1. This calls for the any reasonable man to understand that the Buganda Nation was forcefully divorced out of the marriage but retained as a slave. The agreement was BREACHED and ABOLISHED by Obote’s Uganda and it is safe to say that there is no Agreement that enjoins the Buganda Nation to the Uganda Project. For over 48years we have been blinded from this truth; 2. The author of the agreement i.e. the British Protectorate simply looked on and did nothing to protect the Buganda Nation from the enslaved captivity. The United Kingdom thus stands accused of selling the Buganda Nation into captivity. 3. At this present age, NO Authority has the power to reassign the Buganda Nation back into the abusive Uganda Project without the consent of the entire Buganda population through a REFERANDUM. Without the 1962 independence agreement there is nothing to stop the Buganda Nation from deciding her future on her own except threats from leaders of the Uganda Project, which we have every right to resist. And so it shall be. 4. For the last 48years, the elite who knew the truth amongst Baganda selfishly refused to educate their fellow Baganda about these facts with an eye and ambition to ENRICH themselves at the cost of the oppressed Baganda. They continue to hide the truth behind incomprehensible agreements with the leaders of the Uganda Project. The truth is it is an illegal occupation of the Buganda Nation that we are witnessing today. Ssekabaka Mutesa II while in exile and filled with sorrow cried for the nation of his great fore fathers. He mourned the slaughter of nearly 3,000 Baganda and the many that were displaced and property stolen. Since 1966 to date the Uganda Project is estimated to have wiped away around 1.2 million Baganda. Everything, in this world has a beginning and an end. We the children of Buganda have thus woken up and discovered the all along hidden from us the truth that Uganda has no legitimacy to be on Buganda Nation’s soil. Above all we are committed to fulfill the desires and wishes of Ssekabaka Mutesa II, who prayed that one day there shall arise a generation of warriors amongst his subjects who will discover the truth, then regain and restore the Buganda Nation. a) That is called OMULAMWA gwa Buganda. As declared by the servant of the creator of the universe who created Buganda Nation and setup its boundaries thereof, we have DECLARED separation from the Uganda Project on this day 1 JANUARY 2015. Now that Buganda Nation is restored and having raised a new flag and a new national anthem, we urge all Baganda to rally to this cause. Raise up all Baganda for united we stand. Let freedom reign. b) We affirm that we the citizens of the Buganda Nation are peaceful in our intentions for we are forever respectful of the rule of law and the rights of others. We are part of the African renaissance and we identify with the international community, pledging to protect human life and uphold rights of all beings. We are, in principle, against all forms of violence and we pledge to act lawfully during the implementation of this revolution and its objectives. c) We acknowledge that there have been much intermarriage in Buganda and many foreigners residing in Buganda who have lawfully and legitimately purchased land and properties in our nation. We pledge to protect them and their properties. d) Our mode of procedure shall be to advocate civil disobedience against the government of Uganda and its constitution under a REVOLUTION KUGUGUBA KAZIMOTO (RKK) until the day when all our objectives are implemented. e) That, in word, we are now once again an independent Buganda Nation; we shall not be part of the anticipated 2016 Uganda Elections. That is for the Uganda Project of which WE ARE NOT A PART. Furthermore we reject any elections campaigns on Maama Buganda’s soil. We call upon all Baganda to join REVOLUTION KUGUGUBA KAZI-MOTO (Rkk); “kyewayagalizanga embazzi kibuyaga nga assudde”. Let freedom in Buganda Nation reign. bugandanation Prophet. Joseph Kizito youtu.be/1T487GuI0AM
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:20:31 +0000

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