BUHARI MAY GO TO JAIL FOR PERJURY. BUT WHAT IS PERJURY? YOU BE THE JUDGE. CRIMINAL LAW: “Perjury is the criminal offense of lying under oath. A perjury charge may be brought when someone makes a false statement after being sworn in or promising to tell the truth in a legal situation. For instance, a person giving testimony on the stand during a court case who tells a lie may be charged with perjury. Someone who lies during a deposition, or who lies on a signed declaration or affidavit can also be charged with this offense.” Read more: criminal-law.freeadvice/criminal-law/white_collar_crimes/perjury.htm#ixzz3PTXxFC68 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @FreeAdviceNews on Twitter | freeadvice on Facebook WIKIPEDIA “Perjury, also known as forswearing, is the intentional act of swearing a false oath or of falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to an official proceeding.” CIVIL LAW “Any statement made under oath, whether civil or criminal court is perjury if the witness knowingly gives false testimony. Perjury is a crime at common law in Scotland. The person against whom the perjured statement was made should make a formal complaint to the clerk of the Sheriff Court, Civil and follow that with a formal complaint to the police in the area which the court is situated. The case would be heard at the Sheriff Court, criminal.” YAHOO “Perjury, also known as forswearing, is the act of lying or making verifiably false statements on a material matter under oath or affirmation in a court of law or in any of various sworn statements in writing. It is important that the false statement be material to the case at hand—that it could affect the outcome of the case. It is not considered perjury, for example, to lie about ones age, unless that persons age is a key factor in proving the case. Perjury is considered a serious offense as it can be used to usurp the power of the courts, resulting in miscarriages of justice. In the United States, for example, the general perjury statute under Federal law provides for a prison sentence of up to five years, and is found at 18 U.S.C. § 1621. See also 28 U.S.C. § 1746. In the United Kingdom the penalty for perjury is a prison sentence of up to seven years, however prosecutions for perjury are rare.”
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:59:07 +0000

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