BUHARI: Why we cannot trust him with our collective destiny in - TopicsExpress


BUHARI: Why we cannot trust him with our collective destiny in 2015 just yet.... Forget the passionate zeal and the emotional propaganda from the ‘Angry Peoples Congress’ alias (APC). Forget the angry comments by the Al Majiri supporters of Major General Muhammadu Buhari on Facebook and Twitter. Forget his new chameleonic look in a suit and bow tie. A leopard cannot never change his spots. Yes, General Buhari again has selected another pastor, Yemi Osinbajo, as his running-mate in the 2015 presidential election as he did for the 2011 when he selected Pastor Tunder Bakare. Tunde Bakare is even much more vibrant then Osinbajo. The following reasons are the major ones why we cannot trust and entrust one Major General Muhammadu Buhari retired with our collective destiny for the next eight (8) years just yet. We will rather stick to a Godluck Ebele Jonathan for his remaining four (4) years and let him go and we go back to the drawing board and sort out Nigeria once and for all. Major General Mohammadu Buhari is not electable for the following reasons:- 1. General Buhari’s overt, emotional and physical support for the Boko Haram Islamic terrorists is not in doubt as his following utterances are clear evidence. On Thursday, 1st, November 2012, Nigerians and the whole world woke that morning to hear the Boko Haram Islamic terrorists have nominated Major General Muhammadu Buhari as the team leader of those who will dialogue with the government on their behalf. Clearly the special relationship that Boko Haram has with Buhari could not be in doubt. 2. As if to confirm the special relatiobship he has with the Boko Haram Islamic terrorists, General Buhari was to confirm that on Sunday June 2, 2013 in a program on Liberty FM Radio Kaduna. Vintage General Buhari confirmed his open support for the Boko Haram terrorists when he protested vehemently the military crackdown on the terrorists. In that interview with LIBERTY FM Radio Kaduna, Buhari has this to say, while the Niger-Delta were treated like kings, the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’Awati Wal-Jihad which some people call Boko Haram are being killed and their houses destroyed unlike the special treatment given to the Niger Delta militants. This is injustice to Northern Nigeria. In his first reaction to his nomination by Boko Haram, it took five days and much persuasion by his now estranged friend Engr Buba Galadima for Buhari to say that he will not accept Boko Haram’s offer. 3. Major General Muhammadu Buhari is too divisive to become a civilian president in Nigeria. Hear vintage Buhari again at his best. Day was Sunady 20th January 2002. Place was Gusau Zamfara State. The political sharia was blowing in the air as it were and General Buhari was quoted as follows— “As the year 2003 elections draw closer, former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has called on Muslims across the country to vote only for the presidential candidate that would defend and uphold the tenets of Islam. Buhari who made the call yesterday at the closing ceremony of the 16th National Qur’anic Recitation competition held in Gusau, Zamfara State told Muslims that they have every reason to thank Allah for restoring the Islamic Sharia under the present dispensation, which he said was destroyed by British colonialists during their crusade in 1903 against the Sokoto caliphate” 4.The 2011 post election violence had been largely attributed to inciting comments by General Buhari. The security operatives still believe that Buhari incited his supporters to violence. General Buhari allegedly made some inciting comments on local television, on the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, (Hausa service) and on the Voice of America, VOA, (Hausa Service) on 16 April, 2011. He was reported to have claimed to be in possession of evidence that aircraft had been conveying ballot papers meant for rigging the elections to predetermined locations, including his home State, Kastina. Analysts believe that such comment led directly to the first attacks on churches and property in Kastina on Sunday morning, April 17, 2011. Then Mr Buhari was alleged to have urged his supporters during a political rally to “lynch and roast alive” anyone perceived to have “rigged” the elections in 2011. In the final analysis, 800 people, including 10 youth corps members, were reported to have been killed in 12 Northern states. And just when many Nigerian’s were beginning to get over the 2011 post-election violence, came Mr Buhari’s “dog and baboon” comment. He allegedly said if what happened in 2011 should happen in 2015, then the dog and baboon would be soaked in blood. Now, who is the dog and who is the baboon? If Jonathan is the dog and Buhari is the baboon, what then is the place of Nigerians in this context? Buhari spoke when he received some politicians from Niger State. He had reportedly said: “God willing, by 2015, something will happen. They either conduct a free and fair election or they go a very disgraceful way. “If what happened in 2011 (alleged rigging) should again happen in 2015, by the grace of God, the dog and the baboon would all be soaked in blood.’’ Unfortunately, he did not elaborate further, thereby giving room to sundry interpretations. Another odd against Buhari is his seeming lack of basic knowledge on the economy. While recently appearing on a Channels Television political affairs programme, the former Head of State, who was once a Petroleum Minister and Chairman of the defunct Petroleum Trust Fund PTF, had told viewers that he was going to stabilise oil price when voted into power. Oil price is subject to the international forces of demand and supply and not the whims of a Third World African leader. Certainly, crude oil is not like garri whose prices can be determined by local economics and politics. Then came his inability to pick his running mate immediately. Rather than carrying out his first crucial task, Buhari conceded the choice of his running mate to Ahmed Bola Tinubu, one of the leaders of the party. The development only helped to strengthen the long-held speculation that Mr Tinubu would dictate the affairs of the nation in the event of a Buhari presidency. His past human rights records are also nothing to write home about. The retroactive decrees he made by which he hung three Nigerian youths as well as his press gag decrees are more like a dent on his credential. Of course, there is still the issue of 53 suitcases and removal of the nation’s currency, the Naira from international currency market. These are sore areas that many Nigerians would want Buhari to defend himself. There is the arrest of Southern political leaders in contrast to the “house arrest” given to their Northern counterparts. Buhari’s current “window dressing” of taking pictures in clean suits, to appeal to the corporate world is largely seen as deceptive, knowing that before now, he never dressed that way. In one of such pictures where he is seen with a kid, critics have accused him of trying to copy President Barak Obama of the United States of America. Buhari’s case is made worst by his angry admirers on Facebook and twitters. Just like they behaved in 2011, they use abusive and threatening languages and words against whoever voices their concern against Buhari’s candidature. While people like Reverend Father Mbaka can abuse President Goodluck Jonathan and go to sleep, anybody who has contrary views against Buhari receives death threat. Sheik Gumi is a clear example. General Buhari and his followers are not civilized to lead a heterogeneous and cosmopolitan country like Nigeria. To compound his case and to show his desperation for power for hidden reasons, our Buhari is now shown on newspapers and internet with suit and bow tie. This deceit is too shallow to believed. As it relates to his certificates with the Nigerian Army, it is an irony that the APC will actually come out to defend such absurdity by General Buhari. It is cardinal principle of employment that your employer will only view your original certificates at interviews or during screening and probably have some photocopies. Every candidate keeps his or her original certificates! For Buhari to tell Nigerians that his original certificates are still with the Nigeria Army 30 years after he left the army is the high point of absurdity. Buhari is a liar like Liar Mohammed. It is a clear indication that Buhari cannot be trusted. This is even in addition to the fact it was the same General Buhari who wept and cried before the cameras on 13th April 2011 vowing never to contest election in Nigeria again. Just four years later, he has eaten his vomits and is making his fourth attempt in the 2015 presidential election. Buhari is not a man of his words and is not a man of honour and can never be trusted as he will and can always swallow his words for flimsy reasons. His past records and especially his utterances will continue to haunt and hunt Major General Muhammadu Buhari as he will surely lose the 2015 presidential election for the fourth time in a row. We need a Nigerian with a natural national spread and acceptance, certainly not a Islamic fundamentalist like Buhari as our president please.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:04:10 +0000

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