BUHARS UNRELENTING QUEST FOR POWER - A LOOK FROM ANOTHER ANGLE:- Abraham Lincoln, one of the most philosophical and respected USA ex President said that mans character can only be known when you give him power. For years, and now becoming louder, Buharis apostles doesnt hesitate to tell us that all accusations of bigotism and tribalism against Buhari are all cooked up to slander and stop Buhari from winning Presidential election. To add salt to their soup, recently, Buhari made it a political policy not to miss any wedding or burial ceremony that involved some kind of ceremony inside a church. Whether invited or not, Buhari and his apostles make sure that Buhari attends the church ceremony, well covered by the press, and use as political propaganda to whitewash Buhari. Also, it is on record that Buharis choice of a running mate in last presidential election was made for this same reason. Then, the question is...Is Buharis claim of a man that accepts and equally treats people of all faiths and tribes correct? Regretfully, his antecedents says NO! From the 1st day the man Buhari appeared in our national politics landscape, it is clear where his allegiance lies. After their inglorious termination of Nigerias democracy under President Shehu Shagari, Buhari immediately put his money where his mouth is. While he sent Alh Shehu Shagari to house arrest, he sent Dr Alex Ekuweme, the Vice President (a ceremonial position) to 3 years imprisonment in high security prison. Can anyone explain to me the rational behind sending a President to house arrest and his vice (a ceremonial position) to imprisonment in high security prison?? Is VP Dr. Ekwueme a security threat to Buharis new govt, more than the forcefully removed President Shagari? Furthermore, appointments in Buharis govt showed his disdain to trust people from the other side of faith or tribe. His appointments was lopsided to say the least. In the other hand, as modern day leader of so-called Northern talakawas, I expect that Buhari should have been more active (if not vocal, but remotely) in quelling murderous Boko Haram activities in the North. Boko Haram killed and is killing Northerners and Southerners alike. Disappointingly, in very few occasions that Buhari spoke about Boko Haram, he either blame FG or ask FG to stop killing Boko Haram murderous killers. As a man with ears to the ground, Buhari should have used his contacts to bring leaders of Boko Haram to negotiating table. Regretfully, he failed to do so. To ardent observers, it seems that Boko Haram serves Buharis political agenda of making Nigeria ungovernable after his loss in 2011. It seems that Boko Haram serves Buharis political agenda of making GEJs govt weak and bad, so that Nigerians will look for alternative, hopefully, him (Buhari). Is that a mark of good leader? In my archive, I have scores of evidences to support my humble view that Buhari cannot be trusted to rule this very diverse country, and carry all of us along, but to save your time, I choose to point out only few examples. Having said that, what assurance do we have that a clean Buhari of yester-years will come out of Aso Rock with clean hands? I wish to remind you that just as Buhari told us today that he borrowed N27 million to buy Nomination Form, OBJ had only few thousands of Naira in his bank account before his election in 1999. His campaign was funded by people as Mr. Orji Uzoh Kalu, etc. But to our amazement, poor 1999 OBJ came out from Aso Rock 8 years latter mega rich. So, had Buhari regretted not looting us dry in his 1st try in Presidency, and hoping to make amends this time around if the chance call again? OBJs example showed me that I cannot take politicians for granted! The way people as Buhari and Atiku have fought and still fighting to be President, after so many failed attempts raises more questions than answers. In true democracy, leadership is regarded as service to ones country. Are these guys really interested in serving us, or, what are they up to?? Does it mean that the best a big Party as APC can offer are recycled old men as Buhari and Atiku, those that see politics as do or die and can do anything, even death of millions of innocent Nigerians, just for them to grab power come 2015?? If someone is interested in maintaining true friendship, he must remove deceit because true friendship and deceit doesnt work together. To close my case, I wish to go back to this great statement by Abraham Lincoln thus: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a mans character, give him power.” The Buhari we know, during the time he had power is about a man whose loyalty is lopsided. A man who doesnt see the whole country as his constituency. A leopard doesnt change his colour. It is hard to teach an old dog some new tricks. Buhari cannot change overnight. He is not the Messiah Nigeria needs today! We need a man who will carry all Nigerians along, irrespective of their tribe, religion and ethnicity. We need a man who understands how the modern world works. Buhari and Atiku have past their prime! Let them enjoy their retirement. Let them join hands, from their retirement homes, to build a strong Nigeria!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:53:55 +0000

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