BUILD ALBERTA/CANADA = BUILD AGRICULTURE - IN ADDITION TO BEING MAJOR ENERGY PRODUCER , ALBERTA/CANADA SHOULD BECOME MAJOR FOOD PRODUCER FOR THE WORLD – Why ? The world is getting to 9 billion people and beyond in few decades, that’s why ! There is room to grow, demand to supply, science to innovate. I attended the Chops & Crops event by agri-producer groups in Alberta. I wish to thank food producers, processors and marketers to help sustain my life ! Alberta alone currently has 50 million acres or 20 million hectares or 200,000 km2 of farm land, out of total 662,000km2 area (bigger than total area of California 423,000km2, UK 244,000km2, Philippines 240,000km2, Japan 377,000km2, Thailand 510,000km2, New Zealand 103,000km2, Vietnam 310,000km2, Taiwan 36,000km2, Korea 220,000km2, Malaysia 329,000km2). Alberta currently has 43,234 farms, agribusiness $6.6 billion, largest beef producer 40% and processing 72% of whole Canada. Alberta has 5.4 million cattle, 1.4 million pigs, 200 thousand sheep; exports $852 million beef, $365 million pork; export wheat $2.3 billion, canola $1.8 billion, barley $188 million; 10 tons of honey, 8.4 million tons of wheat, canola 5 million tons, barley 4.5 million tons, sugarbeet 600 thousand tons, corn 14,000 tons, … More details at:$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd12807/$FILE/ARD-Ag-stats-factsheet.pdf
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:01:13 +0000

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