BUILD AN ARK TODAY! The word of God in Heb.4:7a turns on a - TopicsExpress


BUILD AN ARK TODAY! The word of God in Heb.4:7a turns on a showering of divine letters! Hear now, it says... Prompted by faith Noah, being forewarned by God concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign, TOOK HEED and di-li-gen-tly and re-ve-ren-tly constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family. Papa Noah had received a message from God concerning His proposed destruction of the entire earth- which was a message suitably meant for the nations. Yet, and interestingly, not minding the shallow, unmotivated response of the people, he safely carried the message of Gods promised veangeance till instilling same in the consciousness of his entire household. Out there [in his time], was a world bereaved of grace and the conscious need for a mind-renewal:a turnaround and a change of ways. However, he made particularly sure that within the walls of his home, a befitting edifice to the glory and majesty of the LORD was well-made and suitably built. THEREFORE, Noah in building, attached to the process a holy fervor borne out of diligence and deep reverence for the word of the LORD. Being fearFULL [and mindFULL], of the non-remedial consequences of falling into the hands of the Lord! Yes, before that time nothing particularly awe-inspiring had happened or been told of God in a seemingly NEGATIVE light, such as would necessitate a worrisome look or reverential fear. This notwithstanding, it resounds clear [well-defined] that Noah had already made up his mind and steadied his eyes to the view of the possible things [of dire consequences, yet unseen] that have been prepared [well-mixed by God] for the unlawful and disobedient. Being gainfully obliged by these things, Noah needfully adjourned his spirit; that an amendment of ways [and a necessary conscientization for doing the RIGHT- Gods RIGHT- beginning first in his home], was irreversibly sine qua non to securing the futuristic expectations [and perpetuation] of his line. And this would be a perpetuation in what order? A perpetuation that enables all that were yet to come, a recognition of the incontrovertible mandate of Gods infallible RIGHTEOUSNESS- which a falling away from in the early times [his time], had passed judgment and sentence on an entire world thickly-laid with unbelief. (Heb.11:7b) So, by building the ark of God with diligence and reverential fear [in the continuum of mounting expectations for the yet unseen], he extended the cord of Gods mercy into the porchyard [and inner sanctum] of his home. We all know the sadly story, in the aftermath of the finished construction of the ark built by Noah. However, with that age of mans greatest reproof by God long gone and a new age for mans redemption already born [and now running], the storyline we must now create, should be such as would extend that same cord of Gods mercy through all successive ages [after Noahs] into our living rooms- our homes, the marketplaces, our classrooms, our offices and above all these things, OUR HEARTS. When you can daily, regularly adjourn yourself [by accessing yourself] out of Gods law, and I, at my own farthest end repeat same- all of us taking seriously the message of Gods impending wrath upon all sinners- then, we would have sufficiently finished, well-furnished the ark Noah started in the fruitful extensions for it we have made [of this spiritual ark] in our very own homes. For Noah, it was the ark that shielded his household from the flood and the wrath of God upon all flesh that sinned; more so for us [being much more greatly rewarding], it is the ark that extends to our homes the cord of Gods sure mercy and grace. *** The message for this morning is out; thank you for reading. But before we part, say this prayer with me: Dear Lord, rescue my family and I at the floodgates of destruction! Save us O Lord, for your mercys sake and give us a sure place in your eternal kingdom... This we have asked in the mighty Name Jesus, AMEN. A happy weekend to you all... PS: To follow similar writes of this nature, visit and like my page on facebook: Nicudu Word Challenge (NIWORCHA). Ill see you next time... God bless you! (Sammy Le-Grand)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:15:56 +0000

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