BUILDING ON LOVE HAVING THE COURAGE FOR TRUTH PROVIDING THE PEACE FROM WITHIN, FREEDOM FOR THE MIND AND SOUL, JUSTICE IN THE FORM OF EARTHLY AND DIVINE SALVATION-FINALLY THE LONG AWAITED BREAKDOWN OF THE DEVILS ADVOCATE BY THE SHEIK OF MECCA Islam Trust Family, While Sheik Love EL may not be the most popular or likeable personality on the world wide web, he is sincere in his purpose, diligent, and verifiable. I am not some shadowy character with a questionable past as I have never been known to be anything less than honorable and impartial in my dealings and when interacting with others. It has been my observation that leadership is a package deal that involves two contracts-the contract between God-Allah and the leadership/the contract between the members/citizens and the leadership. In fact the Leadership (address as readers by the Prophet) have been directed to NOT falsely use these lessons (also making one wonder why the Prophet would even go there but at the same time acknowledging that such treachery is indeed possibly). To be clear falsely using the lessons includes but is not limited to the following: Hating on your own kind whether they be conscious of their nationality or not. Not being supportive of uplifting when and if possible. Temple Banging and the misconception of multiple grand bodies-Temple segregation. Engaging in or the acceptance of a fraudulent copy of our Authority Doc # 10105905. Blindly following the mere ideas of man rather than your own Higher Self. When you have been tricked into giving up most of your time to the gods of Europe. Willful ignorance of the law while speaking in the semblance of truth-Moorish legalese. Pure in motive and transparent in action this administration has laid it out for all to see without having made any demands for dues and assessments instead investing our own personal finance to launch an investigation that would last fifteen (15) years (and counting) to get to the bottom of the who, what, where, when, and how regarding the current state of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Many of us have been tricked into believing that civics has no practical use within our society by the same ones who hide the clearest evidence of the Prophets Trust (Doc# 10105905). Hoodwinked into believing that we could go along without having our very own schools, stores, factories, farms, camping grounds, townships, etc. Being satisfied with being clandestine yet unlawfully classified by the foreign agencies that you contract with daily (and unknowingly). Believing everything your lawyers, doctors, and scribes (those gods of Europe who are but useless cumberers of the ground and tumors on the body of the state) prescribe as truth for you believing in everything they say as being official or acceptable. Isnt it also interesting that the same class of aforementioned individuals (lawyers, doctors, and scribes) are usually among the first to recognize and understand but not necessarily support what the Prophet did with regards to the Temple as a Trust since it is only we as Moorish American Moslems that could directly access it. It is from this perspective that I will be doing the movie review of the Devils Advocate. A BREAKDOWN OF DEVILS ADVOCATE FROM THE MOORISH PERSPECTIVE A star-studded cast with an excellent plot the Devils Advocate is a classic in its own right as Moorish Science on the silver screen. Keanu Reaves plays the role of a prominent small town lawyer (with an unknown big city past) who after refusing to take an obvious loss instead bowing to king ambition winning the case for his wrong as two left shoes client (who is accused of molesting and killing a child). This victory (a brazen act of pride) would attract the attention of a certain big shot attorney (Al Pacino) from the big apple (New York) who had his eyes on him from the moment of his conception for reasons that will later be revealed in the movie. So after being wooed after and whisked away to the capital of the world-New York the small town attorney is given the full tour and formal offer which he accepts without hesitation as the opportunity of a lifetime coming with all of the bells, whistles, and perks attached. It would not take long for the thorns to manifest themselves within the bed of roses when the main character begins to realize that he has to sacrifice the sanctity and sanity of his family in exchange for the glitz, glamour, and fame that comes from having an unblemished record with no career losses along with the prestige of being with a major powerhouse of a law firm. Now this is where the plot thickens and the audience actually discovers that main characters father is not only the devil but also leads the biggest law firms set up for the express purpose of making sin so fair seeming that the stench reaches up to even the highest of the ethers (heavens) while protecting the evil and vile with expert skill. As the lead character spirals down deeper into the corruption of his craft his wife is driven deeper into the insanity of demon faces appearing on some of the people with whom she was interacting with since it was the devils intention to drive her to insanity or to kill her so that he could have no distraction to totally win over his erstwhile son who was still riding the fence (until the major coronation of his father which would be marked by the incestuous union between his two children which would produce a third generation of evil). When faced with the ultimate decision what did this man do rather than use his phallus to impregnate his demonic sister? He took a gun (another type of phallus) and slayed himself (or his lower self) returning back to the crossroad of his wrong as two left shoes client restoring his opportunity to make the right choice at that time. The plot although elaborate does have a strong moral tone to it regarding how the main character literally killed his lower self returning back to a point in time also showing that Time never was, when man was not. Also it is interesting to note how the main characters mother describing the devil as charming, engaging, having a spell-bounding mastery over the scripture and his quarry (the mother) offering her apples that were lovely to the eye and pleasant to the smell. Is it at all possible that some of those that profess to be true Moorish Leadership could be being played by characters that fit the villain in the Devils Advocate description to the letter? How can anyone justify the use of an fraudulent copy of our Authority being circulated on our 101s and held as truth unless such was the case? Peace, Your Royal and Humble Servant Sheik Love EL, the Super Intellectual Adept
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:02:18 +0000

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