BULLETS In times of fear the spirit gets scattered - Linda - TopicsExpress


BULLETS In times of fear the spirit gets scattered - Linda Thomas This could be a poem about pain. Its not This could be about justice. But its not Its not about a festival of raised arms inciting smiling bullets Its just about bullets Just bullets Period...... Bullet Lonely Bullet needs warm flesh Thats what bullet told to do Trained to do Holster to claustrophobic escape To a burning caress To push through skin Like moving tunnels To excavate with first hello Bullet Likes foaming mouths Likes the thick ripples made when wind hits blood puddles Bullet likes how muscle fibres massage its back on entry but Muscle tissue too boring Bullet likes bone Likes bone better Likes to find bone Likes How the ricochet is more fun more lethal Bullet likes how random pain can Be easily inflicted But Bullet rarely seen Bullet runs too fast to be coveted Bullet always covered Always Covered Covered in human in smoke In blood Always covered never seen Only bullets footsteps examined Its Pathways reenacted Its fingerprints analysed So bullets gets Jealous. Bullet jealous Bullet jealous of how Blood cells clamour in unison like family How they hold each other close How after bullets gaping handshake leaks onto concrete, they all join hands and sing hymns Bullet wants family too Bullet wants family Bullet wants to be plural So Bullet Threatens T Kills R And kidnaps S Bullet now Bullet(s) Bullets now swam Like bees Like locus Like religion Like control But still Bullet wants more than control More than religion Bullet wants to worship To be worshiped Bullet needs more than family Family just regurgitated pain Gunpowder in a cold embrace Bullet wants more than warm flesh More than puncture More than open wounds Bullet wants to be remembered Bullet wants aim Wants to aim high But Bullet cant aim by itself So its aspires to be infamous Like the American Dream Bullet wants the American Dream Like memories of bedtime stories with Malcolm Martin Oscar Amadu Bullet jealous again Those Bullets went Hollywood Bullet Wants to be a screen play adapted for ghettod boys Other bullets gone indie Wants to be a cult Bullet wants success to admired Wants Netflix original series Bullet Wants red carpet Wants VIP Wants news stories Prime time Coverage Wants to be interviewed by Barbara Walters Bullet wants a Facebook page Better yet Twitter. Hashtag Yes Bullets wants its own Hashtag #bestbulletever #dopestbulletsinceCripusAttucks #dopestbulletsinceLincoln Since trayvon Since Eleanor Bumpers Bullet needs PR So Bullet hires agent Bullets learns Spanish and practices street slang ebonics Bullet studies Swahili and penal codes Bullet gets to read for role Bullets kills the audition and flown to Missouri for first day of shooting Bullet scared Bullet scared Of lights of action of body cameras But bullet steady Bullet focused Bullet believes Bullet can do anything It wants to do With the right motivation So Bullet wins Bullet gets casted for the next gena six sequels Bullet gets used to glitz Bullet wins Bullets gets Nominated for Oscar Bullet wins Bullet gets Home in the hills Bullet gets famous Bullet has fans Bullet wins And When asked how bullet made it so big Bullet responds: I was just pointed in the right direction Bullet just doing what bullets do..... Bullet wins ! Copyright © 2014 Kumasi Mack The Abstract Poet All Rights Reserved.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:48:25 +0000

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