☔ 󾀇 ☕ 󾀸 ⚡ 󾓶 ✨ BUNLARDAN BIRINI KOPYALA - TopicsExpress


☔ 󾀇 ☕ 󾀸 ⚡ 󾓶 ✨ BUNLARDAN BIRINI KOPYALA YORUMA YAPISTIRR@!!!!! SAZAN AVI DEGILDIR!!!!! ⛄ 󾟜 󾇓 󾇏 󾇎 󾇕󾇌 󾇅 󾇆 󾆽 󾇉 󾇙 󾇈 󾆻 󾆼 󾇍 󾇘 󾇖 󾇇 󾇂 󾇑 󾇀 󾇒 󾆸 󾇃 󾆾 󾆷 󾆿 󾇗 󾇊 󾇐 󾇁 󾆐 󾆑󾆒 󾆓 󾆔 () 󾇛 󾮙 () 󾮚 󾮛 󾮜) 󾮖 󾮝) 󾮟 󾮟 󾮠 󾮞 󾍗 󾍘 󾍙 󾍛 , ✊ 󾆩 (baby) 󾆛 (Boy) 󾆜 (Girl) 󾆝 (Man) 󾆞 (Woman) 󾆠 󾆡 󾆢󾆤 󾆥 󾆦 󾆧 (Old Man) 󾆨 (Old Woman) 󾆪 󾆫 (Princess) 󾆮 (Ghost) 󾆯 (Angel, Baby) 󾆰 (Alien) 󾆱 (Alien Monster) 󾆲 (Devil, IMP) 󾆳 (Skull) 󾆵 (Guardsman) 󾆶 (Dancer) 󾆖 (Nail Polish/ Manicure) 󾠣 (Kiss Mark) 󾠨󾬍 (Beating Heart) 󾬎 (Broken Heart)󾬐 (Sparkling Heart) 󾬑 (Growing Heart) 󾬒 󾬓 (Blue Heart) 󾬔 (Green Heart) 󾬕 (Yellow Heart) 󾬖 (Purple Heart) 󾬗 (Heart with Ribbon) 󾠧 󾠩 󾭗 󾭙 (Sleep, Zzz) 󾭛󾭝 󾓴 () 󾭞 (󾔸 ) 󾔼 (MiniDisc) 󾔽 (Floppy Disk) 󾠝 (Optical Disc) 󾠞 (DVD) 󾓲 (Bell) 󾔤 ) 󾔨 (Fax Machine) 󾔥 󾔦 󾠜 (Television) 󾁀 (Cherry Blossom) 󾁁 (Rose) 󾁅) 󾁆 󾁉 (Ear of Rice) 󾀼 (Four Leaf Clover) 󾀿 (Maple Leaf) 󾁂 (Fallen Leaf) 󾁃 󾀔 (Crescent Moon) 󾭩 (Glowing Star) 󾀾 (Seedling) 󾁇 (Palm Tree) 󾁈 (Cactus) 󾀽 (Tulip) 󾁒 󾁑 (Red Apple) 󾁓 (Strawberry) 󾥠 󾦂 (Cocktail Glass) 󾦃 (Beer Mug) 󾔐 󾔟 󾔒 ( 󾔓 󾔖 (Balloon) 󾔗 (Party Popper) 󾔘 (Pine Decoration) 󾔙 󾔜 () 󾔞 ) 󾔚 󾠓 󾠔 󾠚 󾌮 󾌤 󾌯 󾌢 󾍁 󾌥 󾌺 󾍆 󾍂 󾌡 󾌻 󾍅 󾌨 󾌼 󾌹 󾌴 󾌳 󾌽 󾌠 󾌣󾌪󾌩 󾌭 󾌬 󾌿 󾍀 󾍄 󾌦 󾍃 󾌧 󾌾 󾌫
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 09:32:07 +0000

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