BURKINA FASO REVOLUTION: A TAP ON NIGERIAN SLEEPING YOUTH. Few days ago I was going through the videos of the Burkina Faso revolution with a friend and he asked me what do I notice in course of the video, I said it was fire for fire but he said observe well then that prompted me to download the video and watch the clips with care I the discovered what my friend was seeing that majority of the angry protesters were youth who came out en mass to save their own future because they believe there future lies in their hands, many of these youth might still be at a tender age when Compaoré came to power in 1987 even some might just be born but they stood to say NO to government decision that they felt will jeopardize their future. They never looked back but forward they go, they resist military intimidations from compaoré, stood for their right and what they want. Despite compaoré’s abandoning is plans yet they stood on their foot to see the downfall of Mr compaoré. 30th of October 2014 will always be a memorable one for Burkinabe’s. Mr. sawadogo who led the victorious revolution is an active young man that confronted fully armed soldiers he said and I quote “I will remain on the lookout to make sure that new leader emerging from the transition puts the peoples aspirations above all other considerations. I consider myself to be a soldier of the people” student comrades took to the street to express their mind and fight for their future. This great move by the Burkinabe’s is a great tap on the Nigerian sleeping youths and the majority of the so call comrades who begs for the left over that falls from the tables of this political colonists, robbers, looters and nincompoops. Lets wake up to the challenge before our nation, lets come together to look for the good of our nation. It is a pity that the so called youth leaders sold their birth right to this fools and even student comrades stand against themselves and call it factionalization all because of stipends and political God father’s forgetting that a house divided against itself shall crumble. Human rights activists are compromising their stands for peanuts while labour leaders became cowards because they have wined and dined with this known devils. Lets stand to the yawning of our dear nation, the cries of innocent bloods flowing on the streets of our country, for the sake of the future of our nation and for posterity sake Lets rise to this noble call at this time and lift our nation to the greater height. Lets re- define our ways and governance. God bless Nigeria God bless Nigerian youth Falade Elijah Ayokunle Re-definition Team 08135629407
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:34:09 +0000

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