BURNING A CHURCH? There are churches in this country which, given - TopicsExpress


BURNING A CHURCH? There are churches in this country which, given a chance, I will BURN THEM DOWN one by one till the last one of them turn into ashes! CHURCHES which bless criminals and victimise victims CHURCHES which the glory of God is physically manifested in the weight of the shilling. CHURCHES which miraculously heal all manner of ailments, including those last healed by Jesus only when he was down here. . .i mean the Prophet Owuorish kind of churches. CHURCHES of the Njues of this world; where the clergy only associate with the high and mighty. CHURCHES which tell people God’s love only exist in a single day of worship, and in a particular denomination. CHURCHES whose pastors and bishops live in palatial homes and wallow in filthy opulence; yet the laity languish in the fringes of this God’s earth, waiting for ‘heaven, honey and milk’. CHURCHES which condemn God’s free reason and conscience into unquestioning acceptance of the ‘word’; or part of it thereof. CHURCHES which cannot cure tribalism; and which keep quiet in the present outrage of a government hell-bent in sideline part of its citizens, with subtle elevation of another; the resultant which, like happen in 2007-08, will lead to another crisis. The good book says, those CHURCHES need to BURNT, and in their place, a new heaven and a new earth shall rise. I mean, going to church Sunday and Saturday, singing, confessing, making yourself holier than thou; these things the God hates! When all is said and done; you realise that a certain amount of outrage from the clergy is necessary to straighten our current political situation. We need an honest clergy that can rightly, ‘hey, Mr so and so, that is wrong’. A country like ours, with our primitive tribal minds, our penchant for ‘queer’ righteousness on Sundays and Saturdays, our collective amnesia when it comes to justice, equality, fighting poverty, fighting disease, fighting ignorance, fighting theft, fighting all those ills that Old Testament prophets dedicated their lives and their work in addressing; a country like Kenya; here at home, we who believe that may be God is tired with our noise, maybe God has resigned. They are no longer God’s abode here on earth! God is currently visiting the brothels and the dark alleys where his children are. . .God is with one woman at the ICC determined to see His justice done here on earth. God is with those pained and bogged down with religious hypocrisy, like me, who struggle each day to see his ever omnipresent role in all these; all these lies, all these materialism in the church and by the church people.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 09:58:17 +0000

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