[ .BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE. ] About a century ago, a certain - TopicsExpress


[ .BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE. ] About a century ago, a certain king ruled over a certain vast and large empire and he was immensely enriched with great wealth and possessions. He had only a daughter and was troubled with the thought of the future of his kingdom(a successor). Finally,he resolved within himself that whosoever would marry his daughter and only child would succeed him on the throne and inherit his wealth. Upon a certain day a certain man came first to ask for his daughters hand in marriage and as palacial tradition would always provide pleasurable reception before discussion. This man was asked to sit down by the palace attendants for refreshment,immediately he sat down and they served him meats,food and wine of many kinds. So, as he was dinning and winning another man walked in. The palace attendants wanted to put the second man through the same process,but he would not yield. After much arguments they asked him what he came for,he said to see the king one of them went in to the throne chamber and informed the king about the unyielding visitor,the king ordered them to bring him in. The second man was now standing face to face with the king and the king asked him to tell his mission. He said to the king im here to marry your daughter the king looked at him and loved him. He called in his daughter and blessed them. The man then left to go and prepare and bring his people for the marriage rites. As he walked away through the palace reception hall the first visitor was still enjoying himself. When the first visitor finished eating,the palace attendants then asked him what he came for,he said to see the king. They brought him before the king and the king asked what he came for,he said to marry his daughter. The king said sorry,i have only a daughter and i gave her out for marriage just couple of minutes ago the man started shouting patiality,patiality,patiality BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:43:35 +0000

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