BUT WHAT ABOUT EARTHQUAKES??? That was the biggest question people - TopicsExpress


BUT WHAT ABOUT EARTHQUAKES??? That was the biggest question people asked when I said I was moving to LA six years ago. Now that Ive been through a few small ones, (a nice little one last night), I thought Id let people back east in on the experience, who cant imagine the horror. (an essay) Now, granted, these have been moderately small ones...so I can only speak on that...but when they happen, theres always the stop what youre doing, stare at an object to see if its just your imagination move. When the lamps are swaying from the ceiling, theres confirmation and then revelation, followed by exclamation, EARTHQUAKE! But not in a 70s disaster movie kinda way, more like a everyones been drinking and/or is high and this is silly fun kinda way. So, the tone is more, Dude...earthquake. Some veterans barely even look up from what theyre doing. But all-in-all, people arent freaked like I always thought theyd be before moving here...(at least thats been my experience). Its more kinda fun excitement. My first one was the very day after I moved here, I was at a red light and someone was standing on the rear bumper of my car making the car rock up and down...of course, that was only what my mind could figure was happening, and then I realized that couldnt be it, that it had to be my engine that was about to explode in the middle of Sepulveda Blvd. It wasnt until the NPR host I was listening to said, Were gonna have to stop this interview, were having an earthquake that I realized, wow...Im here. Ive arrived. The red light changed and people expected me to stop in traffic under the 405 underpass, but I wouldnt budge until it was clear. (what am I, an idiot? I remember Northridge pics of the highway collapse). So when clear, I drove straight through and parked till things stopped shaking. But it was exciting...much more exciting than scary. I think its also the awesomeness of the event...such grand magnitude that makes you feel like a little ant in a big world. You dont get to feel that often in life...I think thats what overrides the fear. The one I felt in my bedroom didnt feel like an earthquake at all. It felt more like Godzilla was running really fast down the street toward us (you could hear it coming) and then slammed into the side of the building..and it was done. Suddenly the structure youre in sways a little like a Jenga tower...its kinda mind blowing. The only time my heart was beating out of my chest was the one on St Paddys day a couple of weeks ago (dubbed the Shamrock Shake)...but that was only because I had been dreaming of earthquakes the hours before. I never dream of earthquakes...so it was weird. Coincidence or prophecy? Who knows...but when it got me out of bed, I was a little freaked. The one last night was a pretty good one. (5.1 in La Hambra) The whole second floor of Hyperion Public shook, full of people watching the game. They noticed it for 5 seconds and went back to cheering. When we asked the server later at dinner if she felt it, she said, looked around and said, Where? Which made me laugh for some reason. (over there in that corner) Ive lived through blizzards in NY, Hurricanes in South Florida (Katrina, Wilma, Frances), microbursts in Tennessee, and I gotta say, Earthquakes are the way to go. (figure of speech). Its like a big game of musical chairs...it hits when it hits. You dont have to board up your windows or clean limbs from your yard for weeks. Now, when/if we get the big one, that will be a different story, and my this is fun tone may change to get me the f*@k outta here....but for now, its thrilling to realize how big this earth is when it rumbles. And, if I were to be a casualty? I dont even fear that...if youre gonna go...thats MUCH more notable than being hit by a bus or pneumonia... Life is short...enjoy the ride. So..thats a little insight on earthquakes for the folks back home. Attached is a cool little then/now gallery... the pic of Aras Pastry? Yeah...thats down the street...on my corner...still....not scared. Come visit and we might get to enjoy one together.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:16:38 +0000

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