BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NICE VERSES IN THE QURAN? This is something - TopicsExpress


BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NICE VERSES IN THE QURAN? This is something that all people who are intent on countering the threat of Islamisation should know, so that when apologists for Islam (often ignorantly) try to tell you that Islam is the Religion of Peace, then you can effectively counter, and expose it as a lie. The Quran commands all Muslims to wage jihad to establish a worldwide Caliphate, and ensure all people worship Allah, or are taxed heavily and humiliated (Jizya), or executed if they refuse the first two. Where Muslims become significant parts of a population, this is exactly the kind of behaviour we see. But Muslims will tell those in the West a completely different story, and point to verses in the Quran which talk about peace and tolerance. This will be due to one of two things. Either it is due to ignorance of the Quran (not all Muslims study their scriptures in depth), or it is down to Taqiyya, where Muslims are allowed to conceal the truth of Islams intent, to further its goals (as per Muhammads teaching). The Quran contains many contradictory verses. For example, it says Muslims can have good relationships with Christians, and yet in another verse (Surah), it says Muslims must never take a Christian as a friend. Obviously these verses only apply to situations where Muslims are in minority positions and trying to grow their numbers and influence - when they are in a stronger majority position, Convert, Pay Jizya, or Die becomes the command. How do we understand the contradiction between the 114 verses which talk about peace, love and forgiveness, and verses such as Surah 8:12 I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them? The Three Stages of Revelation This is the key to being able to expose the lie of the peaceful verses. Muhammad wrote the Quran over a period of 22 years and this spanned the three stages of his career. Stage One Muhammad started in a weakened position with few followers, in Mecca, trying to convert people to his cause. He spent much time in prayer and meditation. Here, the revelation (supposedly from the Archangel Gabriel) was inviting, friendly, peaceful and enabled him to start to attract a small following. Stage Two Muhammad found himself under attack from the Quraysh (a powerful merchant tribe that ruled Mecca). In response to this, Muhammad fled to Medina, where he eventually built up a large following. The verses he received at this time became more aggressive and violent as his position strengthened. Stage Three Muhammad now returned to Mecca as a triumphant warlord to assert himself and take revenge upon his enemies. At this stage, the verses he received became very violent and blood-thirsty, culminating in the Verse of the Sword: Fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every strategem (of war); but if they repent (convert), and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity (Jizya), then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (Merciful to those who convert or live in submissive humiliation). Quran Verse 9:5 Another verse from Stage 3: And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. - Quran 8:39 Its worth noting that this three stage pattern is followed by Muslims as they overtake a non-Muslim nation. Peaceful and inviting at first (Stage 1), but as numbers grow, they start to agitate for rights, and assert themselves (Stage 2), and eventually use violence, oppression and the enforcement of Sharia Law upon non-Muslims (Stage 3). How Does This Work in the Quran? It is really important to understand that the revelation Muhammad supposedly received, is not presented in the same order in the Quran. This is why peaceful verses are sometimes found later in the Quran. However, Islamic scholars understand that Muhammads writings should be understood in chronological order, and not Quranic order. They also know that verses from later in his life cancel out earlier more peaceful verses, (such as there is no compulsion in religion). This process of cancelling out earlier verses is called Abrogation. Western Muslims will tell you that there is no such thing as Abrogation. They will go into all sorts of detail to discredit it. This is simply an example of Taqiyya (concealing the truth about Islam to make it more palatable). Real Middle-Eastern scholars, readily admit that Abrogation is a crucial part of understanding the Quran. You can also see that when Muslims grow to a significant part of a population, they completely drop any reference to peaceful verses. Hopefully, you now have an understanding of Abrogation, which will allow you to educate the ignorant, and put apologists in their place. If I have not made any of this clear, or you have further questions, please feel free to message me. Also, if you have found this useful, please share it. I believe it is very important for as many people as possible to understand this. James Jones
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:40:40 +0000

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