BUY ACCREDITED PHONE NUMBERS IN NIGERIA - ANY STATE, ANY LG. Reach More! Spend Less!! Earn More!!! Do you have a new or existing business? Do you want to CREATE AN IMPACTFUL AND PROFIT DRIVEN AWARENESS FOR YOUR BUSINESS? One of the most popular marketing tools in the hands of fast developing businesses is Mobile Marketing via SMS. The last Publicity exercise you probably had was handbills, TV/radio or Newspaper advert. Here are some Questions for you: 1 - How many of your target audience did you reach and how many patronized you? - Meaning that many recepients in the place of circulation probably dont stay in your business environment. So, you did not hit your immediate target audience. When you send advert to a place you are not established or not ready to go, you are unknowingly raising customers for your competitors in that place. - Some are probably not interested in that service due to age, social, marital or academic status. But we give you data base that is well defined for specified audiences. - Some are already in that business - either as provider or customers to someone else. But who says you cant win your competitors customers? Just hold on! You will discover the HOW in a moment. 2- How many of them actually read through the handbills/Newspapers? Before you rush to say YES. Ask yourself - the last time you came across Newspaper/ handbill advert, did you really read through it at all? 3 - How will you reach those same set of people again? Experience shows that city people are often reluctant to even collect handbills. You always have to persuade and force it into their hands. Even if thats what they are out to look for that day. So getting their phone numbers to further contact them is a probability game. But rather than you running after them for their contacts. We will give you their direct contacts and they will now be the one to run after you. Rather than you making the calls, they will make the calls for you. Wow! Thats profitably amazing! If you are ready for business and dont want to litter places with your handbills - with no result; you had better embraced Mobile Marketing now. Are you aware that conventional media adverts - TV, radio, newspaper and billboards; have challenges in terms of reaching defined target audience? Hence you need the direct numbers of people in the LG where you do business. Some folks hardly watch TV in a week. Some hardly listen to radio in a day. But their mobile phone is always at hand. You and I know how mobile phones and hand held devices are fast finding their ways into the hands of many and this is increasingly alarming and overwhelming. The good news is that, we have a more reliable and adequate marketing tool that takes advantage of this maximally to reach more people, faster and easier for your commercial, religious or political purposes - so why go through the stress of design, printer, dispatch, transport, wages, and other technicalities of printing? Of course they have their edges but Mobile Marketing gives you a reliable and effective result. - Do you really desire to have a boost in your business? - When will you start building that business empire you have so much desired for this your business? - When will you start taking your own share of the customers-share-national cake? - Are you ready to give your business your best? To achieve all these is just in ONE WAY - EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMERS DATA BASE. Go beyond your 3- 20 customers. Let your business go beyond a place where two or more are gathered. Step up to the place of thousands or more customer base! You can have the customers base of where your business is located - the State or Local Government and start generating that boost you desire. Surely you can, with our ACCREDITED, VETTED and CONFIRMED contacts database of phone numbers of people living and working in Nigeria? Any of the 36 States including the FCT. Any of the 774 Local Government. SUNLIGHT SMS has identified the power of this Mobile Marketing and its speed to favourably position your business far above the waves of competition. Lots of business owners are turning their businesses around with this tool. Why not join them in this business tranforming track? With Mobile Marketing your Marketing is: * Cheaper * Faster * Easier * Impactful * Saves time * No Stress * Spend less * and you reach more people To get our ACCREDITED, VETTED and CONFIRMED contacts database of phone numbers of people living and working in Nigeria, contact SUNLIGHT SMS today on (+234) 805 622 4769, 803 496 6036.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 07:53:43 +0000

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