BUY THE BOOK MUSLIMS AND UNBELIEVERS OR WATCH THEIR TESTIMONYS ONLINE YAHWEH IS THE LIVING GOD TESTIMONYS OF DREAMS AND VISIONS OF JESUS FROM MYSELF AND MANY OTHER MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE WORLD ))) Ill tell ye some of my dreams I had of JESUS when I first got saved 3 years ago I love telling them so that People may know Gods word always gets fulfilled such as Isaiah 44;3, acts2:17, Joel 2:28,((((( Acts 2:17 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:))))))))))))))))) concerning dreams and visions in the last days praise God for his miracles and great wonders to many ! plus maybe some of ye can explain some of them , ! My first dream of him was when one day I got very hungry for God so I went off searching for God even though I came from a catholic family but wasent religious and never had a bible , I just knew there was God , but i headed wrong way into Islam , because Im married to a Muslim so I basically thought we all worship the same God but of course I know now that we dont! So I studied parts from Quran while also going to Muslim meetings , I even fasted one month of Ramadan lol , but I still had doubts , I felt a loneliness like far from everyone far from myself , I cant explain it but I still study parts , but then I had a dream of Jesus , this is the first dream , it was night time and I was standing in a city street and there was someone next to me but I couldent see who it was but in my dream I knew this person then infront of me at the other end of street was JESUS standing , he had long white robe on and shoulder length browny black hair and his skin was tanned but he looked very sad , but I was very happy and I kept telling the person next to me look its JESUS look its JESUS , I was so excited then JESUS turned to his right and started to walk away behind the building and as he walked I started to run to him and as I ran I started to fly to him but then a strong dark force pulled me back then I woke up ! But I continued on my study thinking Im heading right way but then I thought to myself I need a bible and God heard my thoughts even though I had internet but I was clueless dissent have much clue about these things or where to even get a bible lol God knows I dident know much but anyway couple days later after that thought , 2 nuns came to my house , which is strange because I never see nuns visiting houses or maybe Im wrong but God bless them , I asked them if they have a bible I can have and they gave me a little red one , the New Testament. Which I love it dearly , its smaller than my hand but very precious because I believe God sent them nuns to me to give me that bible and may God bless those nuns mighty , so I then began to study parts from Quran and bible just reading parts here and there , I never began from page one to the end just verse here verse there and checking evidence online and history of Muslims so on , I also checked up the seven churches of Asia which I was pleased to find they existed I never liked history much in school, I thought it was pointless but when I was searching for God , I had to dig into history and I enjoyed it , anyway to make a long story short I began to be confused lol because both books speak different and both Gods seem different , so my head was in stress because all I know was , I was mighty hungry for God , so hungry but diddent know which God is true then one day I went to my last Muslim meeting and my blood was on fire , seriously I felt this great anger in me lol like I wanted to explode from within , I just desperately had to get out of that place , it was crazy ,I just saw that its not me this not me , so I got up and left without saying bye to my friends , all I wanted was out , then went home and left out a big cry in the kitchen because I WANTED GOD but dident know which God is true so I went to bed then next morning I woke up and I felt like a heavy lift off my shoulder , I knew where my God is , so I began to stick to the bible and left the Quran aside ! So then I. Sat down and told my husband Im Christian He was very angry lol but I learned as time went on that we will suffer for our faith but then a couple days later I had my second dream which is my favorite , I was walking in Israel with JESUS and he was about 2 steps ahead of me on my right side and this time his robe was very very white and clean , I was just smiling and couldent stop and I looked like a little girl compared to JESUS , he looked very tall and broad and I was picking at the flowers , plus JESUS was telling me things but I couldent hear him I was just smiling and could see my face smiling from another angle like I was looking at my own face smiling lol it was very sunny day beautiful I felt like a child I that dream , then I woke up , so I knew with my problems with my husband because of my conversion that JESUS was with me , so I was rejoicing and continuing on reading Gods word , then when things were getting so hard between I and my husband because of my faith , he was going to leave me , but then i was on my knees in my bedroom and I cried out and prayed to God if I should leave my husband then few days later I had a dream I was in my bedroom on my knees and crying , plus my teeth were like glued together and my gums were in very bad pain then I was crying to God asking him if I should leave my husband then God spoke to me from my right ear saying Bless you in a smiley voice but I continued to ask the question then a black figure shadow something man like a shadow came through my wall infront of me and he had a stick in his hand then I asked the question again then he pointed to the wall and on the wall was Gods Ten Commandments in tablets , then I asked again and he pointed to Love thy neighbour , so then I woke up , but instead we had long chat so and so and stayed together then I relized my dream and read how we are not to leave an unbeliver if we are married to him or her so things got easy I was still wrecking his head by preaching to him but Ive stopped now along time ago only JESUS can change him , we still have our bad moments now and then because of my faith but God love him I pray for him , , so then a couple more of my dreams is , I was walking in Pakistan with many people to my left and right and infront of me it was JESUS who also had many Pakistanis to his left and right and we were walking towards each other and looked into each others eyes then I woke up ! Other dream was JESUS was leaning against a the side of a house and there was a barb wire around the house and JESUS was picking up red bricks and throwing them on the ground repeatily doing this ( what would that mean do ye know ) then I woke up ! Other dream was I was in a city and it was night time and there was a few people next to me a few steps away and were chatting to each other then a whitish greyish dragon came out of the sky and came down attacking the houses all around me , I was scared and shacking then JESUS was in front of me and and said to me why you so scared then it calmed down then I was quickly on the other side of the street and JESUS was right next to me arm on the left then the dragon came infront of me and I reached out my hand to touch his face then woke up ( dont know what that meant ) so those were some of my dreams of JESUS , May God bless ye all and show ye that JESUS CHRIST is the only way truth and life there is none like him , He called me because he loved me He could of left me carry unto Islam and I would be a Muslim today but He stepped in a pulled my heart to him and here I am today spreading the message of his love and salvation , God bless)))))))))))))))))) What would you do if Jesus appeared to you in a dream? What if He came to you in a vision and told you to follow Him? What if these visions continued for over thirty days? would you believe? Would you put your trust in him? Would you devote your life to him? Would you if you were Muslim? Pastor Tom Doyle has spent eleven years as a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia, spreading the word of Jesus Christ. Throughout his journey he has encountered a staggering number of Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through a vision or dream so powerful that they eventually turned from their lifelong religion of Islam and embraced Christ as their Savior. Despite living in a culture where converting to Christianity can result in execution, these former Muslims have found hope, peace, and inspiration that comes from knowing Christ. Their stories will amaze you. Jesus is reaching out to the Muslims and they are responding. Did you know that Iran has the fastest growing church in the world? Dreams and Visions is a remarkable collection of stories directly from the world of Islam. Doyle not only relates these stories, but also addresses the questions: Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world? Can dreams be trusted? What happens after these dreams or visions occur?Travel to the heart of the Middle East to meet new believers who have truly been touched by Jesus in the most miraculous way, through their nightly dreams. miracles of our true living GOD
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:52:06 +0000

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