BUYING A DOG VEST ONLINE DOES NOT MAKE YOUR PET A SERVICE DOG! I was with a professional dog trainer at dinner last night in a local (Coldwater, MI) restaurant. We heard a dog bark (total of 4 times) and a young GSD was sitting in the aisle. When I turned my head at the sound of the bark, the GSD showed teeth to a party of 4 at the next table. I asked the waitress about that dog and she informed me that the owner of the dog was training it, it was 6 to 10 months old, and it wont go under the table. They had been in several times with the dog. I could see the staff avoid going down that aisle and took the long way around to stay away from the dog. My guest and I showed great restraint (now that is unusual for me!) by not saying anything, however I will speak to the owner of the restaurant today. When the people left, the dog literally, with a pinch collar on, dragged the lady out the door. PTSD, Seeing Eye Dogs, Hearing Dogs, Medical Alert Dogs are highly trained to perform a service. They are trained BEFORE they go into a restaurant; the certified trainer does not use the establishment for training. Properly trained service dogs do NOT fight about going under a table, they DO NOT show their teeth to anyone! Properly trained service dogs DO NOT SIT IN THE AISLE AND BARK. Professional trainers DO NOT certify dogs who show aggression. What would the result be if a toddler in Hello Kitty shoes got away from Momma and went to hug the doggy? DISASTER, that is what would have happened. BUYING A DOG VEST ONLINE DOES NOT MAKE YOUR PET A SERVICE DOG ANYMORE THAN IT MAKES YOU A TRAINER. People are using the law, hiding behind privacy laws, and perpetrating a fraud by presenting themselves and their dog as something they are NOT. The liability is on the restaurant. I know the owner. I will speak (oh, boy will I speak) about this person bringing their untrained, ill mannered pet dog into a public place. So while this person is being drug around by a phony dog-in-training, there are genuine service dogs and their handlers who are being denied service and healing because establishments are afraid of law suits. When I find you who are doing this at the detriment of others in need, I will speak out against your behavior. BUYING A VEST AND REGISTERING YOUR PET DOGS ONLINE AS SERVICE DOGS, THEN FORCING THEM ON THE PUBLIC IS FRAUD. You are doing more damage to the people who need service dogs than you can imagine. It needs to stop here, and it needs to stop now.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:52:41 +0000

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