BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is so magnificently bizarre! @ the new - TopicsExpress


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is so magnificently bizarre! @ the new ager who ignored the refutations of the claims he was parroting. If I come off straight forward and it seems rude in anyway that is not my intent, my intent is to give you the truth however I do not have the luxury of going back and forth over the same regurgitated and parroted false claims by those who have fallen for disinformation delivered by occultists who infiltrated the truth movement over the past 15 years.. Many strawman arguments are here in the comments I just read as well as hypocritical babble and limited knowledge on the subjects being discussed. Lets breakdown your claims shall we? The Sumerian cuneiform tablets that have records of the biblical events of creation, the garden of Eden and the serpent etc are all in favor of the bible and its validity. The Sumerian tablets are 6,000 years old according to biblical and secular scholars and not 20,000 years as you claim. They are the oldest written documents in human history and are 6,000 years old plus they also back the bibles claims of the age of the earth and the other accounts written in Genesis by Moses who was given this information directly from God around 2,000 years later after the great flood and had no knowledge of King James authorized the bible to be translated from Latin to English to get back at the Pagan Catholic church as a revenge tactic over disagreements they had. This translation to English would have a devastating blow to the RCC who purposely kept the bible in Latin to keep its citizens under their rule in ignorance to what the bible actually said which was in total opposition to what the RCC taught. King James lifestyle, beliefs or books he had written or authorized to be translated is irrelevant to the contents of the bible which he had no influence on because the scriptures within it had been written 1000s of years before he was even alive and to insinuate such is dishonesty and a blatant lie. To dismiss the bible and refuse to believe its contents because it was written by men but go to libraries and museums to read and research other books written by men is a fallacy on your part as well as hypocrisy according to your own logic. The ascended masters deception was created by those that channeled demonic entities in occult circles and the esoteric ancient mystery schools which go back to the days of Babylon. All information regarding ascended masters came from channeled entities (demons) from new agers/theosophists/Hindus/freemasons/kabbalists/satanists/pagans and several other occultists and were put in books (written by men). Evolution is a huge fraud with no scientific evidence to back its claims whatsoever and is a philosophy that is rooted in masonic occultism...There is plant of notes on this page discussing the scientific and historical breakdown of how evolution is a fraud. Nowhere in the bible does it say that Christ was born on Dec. 25th. The bible actually speaks against the practices and traditions used in Saturnalia (Christmass) worship day. Many of these topics are discussed in the videos previously posted replies to your comments that you purposely ignored then opted to post more fallacious dishonest memes created by products of disinfo instead of looking at the provided information because it was a threat to your claims and belief system however if you are adamant to believe these false claims you are regurgitating from occultists/new agers/theosophists/freemasons that have no validity you can go to zeitgeistchallenge (Ill provide a link) so you can submit your documented proof that Jesus is a rip off and you can collect your $1000 reward. We do not tolerate trolls on this page or fallacious and already refuted claims being plastered on our comment sections of our posts trying to emotionally and psychologically defend their love of self and sin due to disgruntled new agers, atheists, satanists etc getting their jimmies rustled over our posts that may incite that thing called guilt that bible haters cannot tolerate. So please do honest research and check for validity in your claims before presenting them here otherwise you will be banned for trolling or vitriolic behavior. God bless and I will be praying for you.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:18:09 +0000

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