BY: ABDULLAH 55 SPECIALTY WOMEN IN ISLAM Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Point-point of this article contained in the book Kanzul Ummal, Misykah, Riadlush Righteous, Uqudilijjain, Bhahishti Zewar, Al-Hijab, and others, checking each one has not been made. Hopefully can be taken from him ibrah ... 1. Prayer maqbul women more than men because of the nature lover who is stronger than men. When asked to Rasulallah SAW this, the king replied: Mother is more compassionate than the father and prayers of loving not be in vain. 2. Women who solehah it better than 1,000 men who are not pious. 3. A woman solehah better than 70 trustee. 4. A woman solehah better than 70 men pious. 5. Whoever encouraging daughter, rank likened to someone who had been crying out of fear of Allah and those who fear Allah will be forbidden hellfire onto her. 6. Those who bring gifts (food goods from the market to the home) and given to the family, then the reward is like bersedakah. Let put the girls against boys. So whoever is pleasing to girls as if she freed son Ishmael 7. It is not a womans menstruation, unless haidhnya is kifarah (ransom) for the sins that have past, and if on the first day haidhnya read Alhamdulillahialaa kulli Halin Astaghfirullah Wa. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances and I pray to God for forgiveness of sins. ; Then God set him free from hell and easily through shiratul mustaqim safe from seksa, even AllahTaala raised in rank, as rank 40 people dead martyr, if he always remembrance of Allah during haidhnya. 8. Women who live with their children will stay with me (the Prophet.) In heaven. 9. Whoever has three daughters or three sisters, or two daughters or two sisters, then he is being charity in association with them and educate them with a sense of piety and responsible, it is because there is a heaven. 10. From Aisha r.a. Whoever is tested with something of his daughters, and he did good to them, then they will be a hindrance for him from the Fire. 11. heaven is under mothers feet. 12. When the mother called the father, the mother answer the call first. 13. Women who are obedient submissive to her husband will be closed the doors of hell and open the doors of heaven. Come in from everywhere door he pleased with not judged. 14. Women who will obey her husband, all the fish in the sea, birds in the sky, an angel in the sky, the sun and the moon, all beristighfar him during which he was obedient to her husband and meredhainya. (as well as keeping prayer and fasting) 15. Aisha r.ha. said: I asked the Prophet. who is greater rights for women? Replied the king, husband. Who else has the right to, men? Answer Prophet. Mother. 16. A woman praying five times a day when working, obligatory fasting month (Ramadan), maintain the honor and obey her husband, then it will enter heaven from whichever door he pleases. 17. Every woman who helped her husband in matters of religion, then Allah put him into heaven ahead of her husband (10,000 years). 18. If one pregnant women fetus in her womb, then beristighfarlah angels for her. Allah recorded her daily with kindness and eliminate 1,000 from him 1,000 crime. 19. Two Rakat prayer of a pregnant woman (after marriage) is better than 80 cycles praying women who are not pregnant. 20. Women who are pregnant (after marriage lo ya) will be able to reward fast during the day. 21. Women who are pregnant (after marriage ni) can be the reward of worship at night. 22. A woman experience pain during childbirth, then Allah reward him as the reward of the jihad in the path of Allah 23. Women who give birth will be rewarded 70 years of fasting and prayer and every pain and the sinews of God gives the reward of Hajj. 24. If one woman gave birth to a child, he came out of sins as his mother gave birth to her circumstances. 25. Women who died during the 40 days after delivery will be considered a martyr. 26. Women who gives milk to her child from her body (body milk) will get one reward from every point of the milk they provide. 27. If a woman breastfeeding her child until enough (2 1/2 years), then the angels in heaven will give the good news that heaven is the reward. 28. If a woman gives her milk to her son who was crying, Allah will reward one of prayer and fasting. 29. Women who spend the night in an uncomfortable sleep because it keeps sick child will be rewarded as freeing 20 slaves. 30. Women who do not get enough sleep at night because of keeping a sick child will be forgiven by God will be all over his sin and he comforted her when God gives the reward of 12 years of worship. 31. If a woman wash her husbands clothes, then the goodness of God recorded for him a thousand, two thousand and forgive his mistakes, in fact everything that is illuminated by the sun will ask forgiveness for him, and God mengangkatkannya thousand darjat. 32. A woman who solehah better than a thousand men were not pious, and a woman who served her husband for a week, then it is closed for him seven doors of hell and heaven eight doors opened for him, that he may enter from any door without an accounting . 33. Everywhere woman waiting for her husband to come home, added to his face, spread his or providing food or drink he looked at her or hold her hand, her memperelokkan dish, or make use of his property for the child to her husband, seeking the pleasure of Allah, then for him to be circumcised each sentence words, every step and every view on her husband as freeing a slave. In the last days later, Nur Allah bestowed to the believer all over the stunned womans kurniaan grace. Nobody is up to it but mertabat Prophets. 34. Tidakkan broke reward from God to a wife that her husband day and night encouraging. 35. The woman who saw her husband with affection and her husband saw his wife with affection will be in full view of Gods mercy. 36. If a woman bring out my husband, without perfidy will be rewarded 12 years of prayer. 37. The woman who served with both the husband who came home in a state of fatigue would medapat reward of jihad. 38. If a woman massaging husbands without prompting will be rewarded seven gold and if a woman massaging husbands when told to be rewarded silver. 39. From Hadrat Muaz ra .: woman standing on two legs bake bread for her husband to her face and hands overheating by fire, it is forbidden burnt face and hands from the fire of hell. 40. Thabit Al-Banani said: A woman from Bani Israel who blind eye to her husband khidmatnya excellent. When she serves food in front of him, holding a lamp so that her husband finished eating. On a night lamp wick runs out, then took his hair used wick lamps. In keesokkannya matanyayang have celik blind. God bestowed sacred (glory to the woman because of the glory and honor of her husband). 41. At one point in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad. out to accompany the corpse. He found some women in the assembly. Prophet then asked, Do you menyolatkan corpse? They answered, No. Word of the Prophet Should not you all have to ikur pilgrimage and there is no reward for you. But there lived in the house and the husband berkhidmatlah undoubtedly reward equal to the cults men. 42. Women who are milking animals with Bismillah will be prayed for by the animal with a prayer blessing. 43. Women who make a dough of wheat flour with Bismillah, Allah will berkahkan sustenance. 44. The woman who wiped the floor with the remembrance will be rewarded as meyapu floor in the House. 45. O Fatimah, for every woman who secrete sweat when making bread, God will mejadikan 7 trenches among themselves with the fire of hell, the distance between the trench is as far as the heavens and the earth. 46. O Fatimah, for every woman who spun the thread, Allah will record for her good deeds as much as sent a thread that was made and put out a hundred evil deeds. 47. O Fatimah, for every woman who weave, God has determined a special place for him on the throne in the hereafter. 48. O Fatimah, for every woman who spin yarn and then made clothes for her children then God will give the same reward as those who feed hungry people in 1000 and gave clothes to the 1000 people who are not dressed. 49. O Fatimah, for every woman who meminyakkan his hair, brush it, wash their clothes and bathe his son, God will reward the good of as many strands of their hair and remove as much of it anyway sins and make himself visible glow in the eyes of the people the notice. 50. Word of the Prophet: O Fatima goods where women meminyakkan her hair and beards, cut whiskers (whiskers) and cut off his nails, God will give him to drink from rivers and relieved him breathe his God and he found his grave would become a garden of the gardens - parks listed heaven and God for her deliverance from the Fire and selamatlah he flashed Shirat Titian. 51. If a husband and wife taught one thing will get a reward of 80 years of worship. 52. The woman who caused her husband out and fight to the path of Allah and then keeping the household manners will enter heaven 500 years earlier than her husband, will be chairman of the 70,000 angels and angel and she will be bathed in heaven, and waiting for her husband on horseback made of ruby. 53. All people will be called to see the face of God in the hereafter, but God alone would come to the private parts of women who weigh namely wear purdah in this world with steadfastness. 54. This world is the best of jewelry and jewelry is a woman (wife) is solehah. 55. One sign of the woman blessed her wedding is fast, lightweight sooner pregnancy and also dowry (mas kahwin). Mashallah GOD .... GOD so unfortunately the woman ..... right? Praise be to Allah, who perfected all His blessings goodness .... Barakallahufikum .... ... Hopefully this can open the door of our hearts that have long been locked ... --- If there is an error and shortcomings here and there in this record ... Its just from us ... and to Allah SWT., We beg forgiveness ... ---- Hopefully useful and Lessons Learned His ...
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 01:27:28 +0000

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