BY ANY MEANS OFTEN HOME ALONE, REDFORD CCS RANDELL MEANS HAS HAD TO CLEAN UP THE HOUSE AND HIS LIFE ON HIS OWN Detroit Free Press - Detroit, Mich. Author:McCabe, Mick Date:Nov 29, 2002 Start Page:G.7 Section:sPORTS Document Text The game is over, another Redford Catholic Central victory secure. Parents wait at the school for their sons to arrive on the team bus, and they take them home where more friends and family wait to greet them. But no one waits for senior Randell Means. No one waits at the school and more often than not, no one waits at home on Detroits west side. Means is a hard-hitting safety and running back on the defending Division 1 champions, who will try for another state title when they play East Kentwood at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Silverdome. He is also an amazing young man who has spent the past four years turning his life around and establishing himself as a top-notch player. And he has accomplished it without much help. Actually, Means, 17, has had several mentors - his father, who died when he was a sophomore, and his two brothers, with whom he rarely speaks. He has learned from their mistakes. His mother, Agnes, works long hours and has a boyfriend Means doesnt particularly like. So he spends most of his time alone, which is fine with him. Ive raised myself, said Means, who moved in with one of his brothers when he was in the eighth grade. I saw the mistakes my brothers did with girls, drinking, smoking and their friends. Im more of a solo person. Im not a party guy. Instead of going to a party Id rather be alone or chill with a girl. Because he is often alone, Means washes his clothes, cooks his meals and cleans the house. Ive stopped washing his clothes - I dont get them clean enough for him, said his mother, laughing. He does his cooking, too. I stopped cooking for him a couple years ago. I dont cook healthy enough for him. He uses cookbooks and everything. Once a month, Agnes takes Means grocery shopping and the rest of the month she gives him money to buy basics like bread, milk and juice. After that, Means is on his own with the food. I started cooking on my own when I was 12, Means said. I make anything - lasagna, fettuccine alfredo. Isnt that terribly unhealthy? Oh, no, I use reduced-fat parmesan cheese, he said. I have skills. I make pot roast, spaghetti. Ill make a big meal at the beginning of the week and ration it out for the rest of the week. And Means begins each day with a complete breakfast. Ill make French toast or pancakes and oatmeal, he said. I always eat oatmeal every morning. I eat a pretty big breakfast. Im really healthy. It shows. Means, who is also a punt returner, can run 4.4 seconds for 40 yards and 10.9 for 100 meters. He can bench-press 225 pounds 18 times and squat 415 pounds. He is quick enough to cover any receiver and strong enough to hit like a linebacker. His bench press is unbelievable, CC coach Tom Mach said. A lot of college kids cant do that. He eats very well and hes very diligent about what he puts into his body. That wasnt always the case. Means never got in serious trouble, except maybe the time he took a toy water gun to elementary school and was expelled. But he was always on the fringe of trouble. He attended three elementary schools and three middle schools. He was never in a gang, but he and his group of friends did get into fights. When people think of gangs they think of drug dealers, and it wasnt anything like that, Means said. Stuff kids did in high school, I did in elementary school. Im not going to lie to you, I smoked once or twice. I got suspended from school a few times. I didnt take any trash talking from anybody and that bothered me. I took to violence. From third grade to fifth grade I was fighting a lot. High school has been totally different. Through everything, Means was first and foremost an athlete. He loved playing football and basketball and got to know Brian Chaney, whose parents ran a youth football league. Chaney, a former CC standout, suggested the youngster take a look at that school. When Means was an eighth-grader, CC won its second consecutive state championship, and he knew that was the place for him. At first, Means kept to himself. He was used to being alone and didnt socialize much. But gradually he changed and became more a part of the student body. It was a different environment for him at CC, said his mother. It was a different culture from what he grew up in. The school and the discipline and the different people helped him. Chaney saw a troubled youth at first, unsure which direction to turn. He had a lot of anger in him, said Chaney, who began coaching CCs freshman team a couple of years after Means enrolled. He didnt know whom he could trust. He was raising himself. When he went to CC he got some direction. Means got further direction when he began attending church services and youth group activities at the Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield. But he had an ulterior motive when he first went. A friend of mine told me I should come over there because there were a lot of girls there, he said. Id go to youth group every Thursday night. I saw so many kids and I started hanging out and chilling with them. They accepted the ways of the world, but they didnt act like the world. I started reading scripture at night and it gave me a chance to believe. It never let me be lonely. Initially, Means was lonely at CC. As a black student, he was in the minority and struggled to fit in. It was unlike any school experience he had before. CC isnt for everybody, he said. I think I made a huge adjustment. In elementary school I skipped so much I lost out on first grade all the way through fourth grade. I skipped a lot in middle school, too, but when I got to Ludington Middle School I did OK. CC is a serious school for serious students. In four years, Means has become a student. He carries a 2.9 grade-point average and did well enough on the ACT to play as a freshman in college. And he has done all this largely on his own. Sometimes I sit back and think about how much he has achieved, Mach said, shaking his head. Hes a great person. Hes intelligent and talks very well. To me, I dont know how I would have ended up if I didnt have my parents in my life all of the time. He holds himself up to high moral standards. It takes your breath away when you think about it. Where does he get his standards? Im amazed by him. When he gets a great report card theres nobody to say: Good job, kid. Simple stuff like that. Means life is simple now, compared to what it was like before he enrolled at CC. He is a football player and a student and barely resembles the youngster who didnt know which way to turn. My life was at risk a couple of times, he said. I was very popular. The guys I hung out with, a few of them are dead, some are drug dealers. Its just sad. I wouldnt want to be in their shoes. Instead, the shoes Means will be in on Saturday are football cleats. He will be going for a state championship with a group of guys with whom he has played for four years, though most of them know very little about him and his past. A lot of the guys dont know the situation I was in, how my life was different, he said. Sometimes I think back and I say: How the hell did I get here? It was fate or something. Or something. People often say football builds character, but in Means case, maybe football simply brought out the character that was already inside him. ILLUSTRATION: Photo DOUG BROOKS/Special to the Free Press CAPTION: during the Shamrocks 17-10 state semifinal victory over Macomb Dakota. Catholic Central will face East Kentwood for the Division 1 championship on Saturday at the Silverdome. Means takes a quick breather. With football, school and housework, he doesnt get many breathers. Ive raised myself, he says. CAPTIONWRITER: Catholic Centrals Randell Means gets taken down on a punt return MEMO: PREPS EXTRA. FOOTBALL FINALS EDITION DISCLAIMER: THIS ELECTRONIC VERSION MAY DIFFER SLIGHTLY FROM THE PRINTED ARTICLE. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. Abstract (Document Summary) Instead of going to a party Id rather be alone or chill with a girl. Because he is often alone, Means washes his clothes, cooks his meals and cleans the house. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibit RandellMeansBmf@twitter. Randell Clifford Means 313 618 7757 Barack Obama has had me arrested by the Detroit City Police Department over 60 times the last 4 years ! He has had me see the Secret Service over 3 times the last 4 years ! He has had the FBI investigate me over 8 times the last 4 years ! All Fradulant charges !! Barack Obama will either Resign before January 3rd 2015 or he will go to prison for 100 years before January 3rd 2015 if he doesnt bring my 975000$ in cash he owes me from 5 minutes before the government shutdown in 2013 and the white white women correspondent sent me multiple messages on facebook and my gmail.account and they are saved ! And than Obama had me arrested for 1 month 1 hour later ..Obama has til July 7 830AM to bring my cash on air force one personally to detroit I have a court case to end my legal guardianship that I was tricked into when I turned 25 years old. After I already won two state championships in the best highschool in the state, had scholarships to college, graduated from Howard University with a political science degree, got into the NFL and called the 2008 nfl draft by the Jacksonville Jaguers , got first security clearance by the Navy and served in the Michigan Army National Guard. Long story short , I emailed you more details and I need some of youre advice since you are a professional cause it took me nearly 4 years to get my court date set up at Coleman A Young Center Wayne County Municipal Court on July 7 th 2014. I sent more details and even emailed you the Detroit Free Press Article written about my life story how I lived on my own and took care of myself since I was 7 years old and now Im put on legal guardianship at 25 . I never signed up for mediacaid or foodstamps or social security and my signature was forged by my mother and other family members have been benefitting off of me these last 4 years. You can also read the article in my quotes section and bio section on my facebook page. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible to give me advice cause I dont want to keep up with th crazyness Ive been going through with crooked judges and evil family n evil people in the social work field.. 313 618 7757...randellmeans@­gmail... Randell Means 18855 Keystone Detroit MI 48234...Randell Randy Means @facebook And I dated Barack Obamas next door neighbor in Chicago Simone Hazel Stephenson while we both attended Howard University.. And over the last 4 years I have called the President at the White house, I have mailed the president and I have even had interviews with the Secret Service twice over the last four years in Detroit MIchigan and Barack has never done anything to help me and he kept my social security and medicaid n now Obama care n food stamps in my name controlled by my mother who filled out all the information without my knowledge and forged my signature on every single document !! After my court case July 7th 2014 , I will pursue Lawsuits and Sue the Ann Arbor Police Department, Dearborn Police Department, Detroit Police Department, Southfield Police Department , Howard University , Howard Athletic Department , Howard Hospital, Ball State University. Ball State Athletic Department , Henry Ford Hospital, Walter Reuther Hospital, Oakwood Hospital, Care Link Services, Havenwick Services, DMC Hospital, Federal Bureau of Invesitgation, United States Secret Service , United States Navy, Michigan Army National Guard , the President of the United States Barack Obama and Medicaid !! I have every single one by the Balls and I have the Supreme Court of the United States by the Balls cause I was already involved in a lawsuit at Ball State University over 6 years ago and its already been heard by the Supreme Court ! Lol its on now Randell WOLF SHIELD Clifford Means -----Full Blooded Iroquois , Cherokee, Sioux, Lakota, Crazy Horse Clan--- Full blood of the Lost Tribes of African American Slaves--- FuLL Blood Of Nazi Germans ..... Randell WOLF SHIElD CLifford Means... Randell \r(a)-nde-ll, ran-dell\ as a boys name has the meaning wolf shield and is a variant of Randall (Old German): from Randwulf. Also a variant of Randolph (Old German): from the same root as Randall
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 22:57:08 +0000

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