BY Dr. Tariq Ramadan It was supposed to be an evening where - TopicsExpress


BY Dr. Tariq Ramadan It was supposed to be an evening where the American President showed respect to a religious community, to the millions of American Muslims who have been fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan. It was supposed to be a political expression of respect. It ended up being a political instrumentalisation of (voluntarily) trapped Muslim leaders listening to President Obama ...justify the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians, declaring Israel has the right to defend itself. One wonders what is the relationship between the Iftar celebration and Israel ? What is the US administrations implicit-explicit intention in putting the Muslim leaders in such an embarrassing situation? To test their loyalty or rather their capacity to compromise or betray? They obviously remained silent. The Israeli ambassador, Mr. Ron Dermer, also invited (why?), was actually the first to speak. One must remember what he said about Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims : Palestinians have a cultural tendency towards belligerency that is deeply embedded in the culture of the Arab world and its foremost religion. This is the man who was invited to celebrate Iftar with the Muslims meanwhile his Government is destroying Gaza. From the White House he tweeted, triumphantly : @WhiteHouse for Iftar dinner. Appreciate strong statement there by President Obama about Israels right to defend itself. Obviously Muslim leaders didnt tweet. It was enough of an honor for them to be invited to the White House and to have met the President. An honor, truly, dear Muslim leaders? Ordinary Muslims (and proponents of justice and dignity from other religions) in the US and around the world, as well as Palestinians, might think differently. WHAT KIND OF CELEBRATION I DONT WANT TO DRESS UP FOR EID WHERE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE KILLED IN GAZA. IN THE NAME OF WHAT! WHAT IS ISRAL TRYING TO PROVE THAT THEY CAN CRUSH US. WELL I GOTTA TELL YOU WE WILL NEVER BE CRUSH US WE ARE STRONG AND WILLING TO GO THE LONGEST TO LIBERATE OUR LAND AND TO BE ALL MARTYRS FOR OUR BELOVED PALESTINE. ITS OBVIOUS ISRAEL GETS A KICK OUT OF KILLING PALESTINIANS BLODD HUNGRY FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN. THE MORE PALESTINIANS NATANYAHU KILLS THE MORE SATISFIED HE GETS. HE IS THE REAL TORRIST BECAUSE ISRAEL WAS BUILT ON KILLING PALESTINIANS FROM ITS CREATION. CAUSING US TO FLEE FROM OUR LANDS, HOMES, INTO REFUGE CAMPS. THAT IS ALL IN THE PAST WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE…. WE ARE SAMIDEEN- MEEANING WE WILL FIGHT TILL THE END. BETTER CONDITIONS FOR THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE INCLUDING GAZA. WE NEED TO OUST THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY BRING A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS, IMPROVE CONDITIONS FOR ALL PALESTINIANS IN PALESTINE, DO COLABORAT WORK, HELP THE FARMERS, HELP THE STUDENTS AND FAMILIES, MORE MEDICAL ATTENTION. HELP GAZA OPEN THE BORDERS… FREE GAZA ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IF YOU WERE ISRAELI WOULD YOU PUT UP WITH THIS OR IF YOU WERE AMERICAN, EUROPEAN, HOW LONG DO YOU THINK YOU CAN LAST WITHOUT FIGHTING BACK….POWER TO THE PEOPLE LONG LIFE THE STRUGGLE OF THE PEOPLE WAKE UP HUMANITY, STAND UP FOR JUSTICE. WE AMERICANS TALK SO MUCH ABOUT JUSTICE AND GO TO FIGHT AND SEND OUR SOLDIERS TO GET KILLED IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM AND JUSTICE. WHERE ARE YOU OBAMA. SOMEONE HAS YOU WRAPPED AROUND THEIR FINGER. THEY ARE CALLED ZIONISM… SO, THEN IT MEANS YOU JUST LIKE ALL THE ARAB LEADERS ARE PUPPETS TO NATANYAHU HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS THE BALLS TO CRUSH YOU AND TAKE OUR TAX DOLLARS TO KILL MORE INNOCENT CHILDREN, WOMEN AND MEN, WHO THE ONLY THING THAT THEY ARE DOING IS TRY TO SURVIVE AND PROTECT WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY THERE
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 01:56:27 +0000

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