BY LINDA MARSHALL RISE UP PRAYING PEOPLE IN THIS DAY OF TROUBLE SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 The Lord spoke this to me, " I say to you, that the enemy desires to come in like a flood. But I am calling My praying Church, to make a hedge and build up a wall this day. For the sound of aliens is upon the land. But I will diminish that sound and I will deal with the attack, if you will pray without ceasing. Set yourselves upon the watch. Be faithful in this hour. I will show you how to pray. I will show you what to pray. But YOU must pray. I am making a way through all that is happening right now. Do not be distracted and do not be silent. Cry out for your loved ones, intercede for your churches, cites, and nation. Pray for Israel and the all the nations of the earth. Go through the gates , that I have prepared for you, and take out the stumbling stones and make a highway for the people. I am calling you to intercede today,so that many lives will be saved. For there are foolish men and there are wicked men. And I make a distinction between the two. But neither of them are pleasing to Me. You must be wise in this hour. Consider the story of David, Abigail and Nabal. There is a prophetic picture and lesson here, that you need to understand, in this hour. Read it and ask, and I will give you understanding. I am with you. I am directing all things according to the counsel of My will. But your part, My people, is essential. Take up the full armor that I have given you and put it on daily. This is a war, that My people are able to have victory in through Me. For I have been preparing you all along, for these days, says the Lord of Hosts. " Isaiah: 59:6-12 Ezekiel 22:30 1 Thessalonians 5:7 Isaiah 25:1-5 Habakkuk: 2:1 Isaiah 62:6,10-11 Isaiah 35:3-8 Proverbs 10:14 Matthew 25:1-9 Nahum 1:3-4 Job 38:12-15 1 Samuel 25:2-44 Ephesians 6:10-18
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 08:03:51 +0000

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