[BYG/BAP CHARITY] This is a post about Bang Yongguk, B.A.P’s - TopicsExpress


[BYG/BAP CHARITY] This is a post about Bang Yongguk, B.A.P’s leader. It’s about his desire in charity. There will be more about other things after this one. Bang Yongguk is well known as an idol who loves to donate and put interest in social issue. On recent interview, he said he learn that from his grandfather. He once said: “I think idols are not stars, but role models and icons of good image to young kids.” He has registered as a member of organizations in both S.Korea and overseas, such as: World Vision, Save the Children, and UNICEF. He also often suggests people around him to also join. Before joining TS Entertainment, Yongguk was well known as Jepp Blackman in underground hip hop scene. Together with Maslo under the name Blackout they worked on many songs. From one of their project, all money from the song is being donated. One day, Yongguk receives a letter from one of his sponsored child through World Vision. Her name is Mim, from Bangladesh, she’s currently in elementary school. (from World Vision) "Dear Bang Yong Kook, First of all, on behalf of Mim, we send you our earnest love. She hopes you and your family are doing good. Mim is doing well with her family too. She was delighted when she received the first letter you sent. For that letter, she wants to thank you. To make you feel happiness too, she is sending you some pictures. When you see them you will feel happy. (omitted) May God bless you, and your family. She wants to thank you. “Mim” (in Mim’s handwriting)” On recent Show Champion interview, he was asked what he would do if he have 100 million Won. He said he would donate it all with the details: 20,000,000 Won for friends (a/n: children) he is currently sponsoring. 30,000,000 Won for children who live in difficult condition and can’t get on education. 25,000,000 Won to build school in Africa under B.A.P’s name. and the remaining 25,000,000 Won to build schools under fans’ names. On Children’s Day, he posted a thoughtful letter on BAP fancafe, asking fans permission before donating all dolls (which is fangifts) to children in needs. They gave it to One Love Disabled Infant Home. "Since these are all gifts you have sent to us as a group or a specific member, I decided it would be best to ask the opinions of BABYs instead of making a choice on my own. I think that it would make a heartwarming Children’s Day gift for our disabled infant friends. Also, these dolls would have new friends to share their hearts with." He often gains public awareness about social issue through SNS. Tweeting about current issues or simply retweeting United Nations or UNICEF. On Day of the African Child he tweeted: "Let us look back on the African children who suffer from disease, disaster, famine and war. Your attention and love can bring dreams, hope and laughter to these children," "Africa′s Sahel has recently been suffering from severe famine and lack of food due to desertification. Many children are dying from malnutrition." He influenced people around him, especially his members and fans, to do the same. That’s why B.A.P well known with their charity works.On B.A.P 1st anniversary, under fans’ name, they donates water pumps to UNICEF for people in Africa. "With the dream that our small actions could make big changes, let′s love each other more and continue to be with each other." - B.A.P B.A.P taking donation for charity on their 1st concerts, they gave it to One Love Disabled Infant Care. They also did the same on their encore concert. For that, Yongguk wrote letter on fancafe: “The money that was collected at our first solo concert, Live On Earth Seoul, will be an important memory to B.A.P and has been delivered to One Love Disabled Children’s Center. We were surprised at the large amount of money but regardless of the big sum, those good and beautiful hearts were able to deliver our love and give us an important memory for us to cherish. In addition to the donation, I was able to see many donation wreaths and beautiful hearts from around the world. I am very proud and thankful to the BABYz that were able to collect such a big heart. Whenever I hear about BABYz doing a good and pretty deed I feel and learn a lot.” [Naver Star Column interview] Jongup: Aside from your monthly donation to UNICEF, why do you continuously donate? Yongguk: The monthly donation is to give to kids living abroad money to spend for emergency purposes but the money you’re talking about is donated when I have leftover expenses from what I spend that I give to children living in Korea to support them as a whole. As you know, I don’t really spend money on food. I find my leisure in money there and donate it. Himchan: Hrm…since Yongguk actively participates in UNICEF, I was really surprised to see the fans support it. I was proud to see fans support UNICEF themselves. Daehyun: Seeing Yongguk hyung do that, the fans have been notifying us through SNS about their donations of rice, briquettes, etc. This makes me a lot more happy than fans sending us gifts. Yongguk: I have a dream of building a school under the name of B.A.P. When all 6 of us are financially stable, I hope to do good deeds altogether. Zelo: In our age, we don’t really think about those things but thanks to Yongguk hyung, we’ve learned the values of giving. and these all because he simply loves children -*CLAPS* OMG I LOVE YOU BOYS EVEN MORE!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 22:46:52 +0000

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