BYSTANDER INNACTIONS,SITDOWN DEY LOOK...A VIRUS. Did you notice that a bystander to an emergency would be unlikely to help when there are a number of other bystanders present? With several potential helpers around, the personal responsibility of each individual is reduced: a common thought would be “Perhaps someone else will give or call for aid, perhaps someone else already has.” So with everyone thinking that someone else will help or has helped, no one does anything!!. I humbly suggest that; When we come across accident scenes or emergencies, a little help matters, don’t think someone else will help . That your fine singlet can serve as a bandage for the wounded. When your parents are in need, make it an obligation to respond, don’t wait for someone else. When you notice injustice speak up, don’t wait for someone else . When the road to your street is bad and there is insecurity, mobilize, don’t wait for someone else. When your community or family is in chaos try to restore peace, don’t wait for someone else When somebody is stranded, help out ,don’t wait for someone else. When contributions for development are being made, contribute don’t wait for someone else,. When one cries genuinely for help not “parasites”, don’t wait for someone else. If your boss is erring, talk-the talk or put it in writing. don’t wait for someone else. MY MOM WOULD ALWAYS SAY THAT “A GOAT OWNED BY THE COMMUNITY DIES OF HUNGER.”
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:12:12 +0000

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