Baba is the term for a Peranakan Chinese male and nyonya for the - TopicsExpress


Baba is the term for a Peranakan Chinese male and nyonya for the female. They are often used as honorifics, so one hears of names like Baba Kim Teck and Nyonya Geok Neo. Anyway I looked for some pantuns with baba and nyonya in them, and then rendered them in Baba Malay--using pre-reform spelling and also phonemes like ay/eh and air. Enjoy! 1) Baju puteh bukan kebaya, Pakeh ias Baba Melaka; Ilang jiwa tidak mengapa, Asalkan boleh berjumpa mata. The white tunic is not a kebaya, It’s used to adorn the Babas of Malacca; If I lose my mind it doesn’t matter, As long as I can lock my eyes with yours. (While nyonyas tend to wear kebayas, babas would either wear Western fashion or by the turn of the 20th century something more Sinified, as increased contact with new immigrants from China led the menfolk to renegotiate their identities.) 2) Rumah kecik pintu ke laut, Tempat Baba Siong menggesek biola; Pinggang kecik bageh diraut Mana hati gua tak gila. A small house with its door to the sea, A place where Baba Siong plays his violin; A small waist as if perfectly carved, How can my heart not go crazy? 3) Baju itam dikanceng tujoh, Mari dipakeh Baba seberang; Kalo tuan berani sunggoh, Ameklah gua di tangan orang. The black tunic has seven fasteners Worn by the babas from across, If you, kind sir, are brave enough Try wooing me from another’s grasp. (That black tunic with seven fasteners/clasps/buttons could very much be a reference to a more ‘Chinese’ shirt/jacket the baba men were wearing.) 4) Angen berhenti lautan tenang, Buah berembang dikutep nyonya; Teringen ati memetek kembang, Rupanya kembang sudah berpunya. The wind has stopped, the sea is still, The mangrove apple is picked by the nyonya; The heart desires to pick the bloom, Alas the bloom already has an owner. 5) Nyior manis baru gugor, Nyonya bawak ke luar pagair; Jasad menanges di pintu kubor, Menyesal di dunia tak belajair. The sweet coconut has just fallen, The nyonya brings it through the gate; The body weeps at the grave’s door, For all the knowledge it did not garner. 6) Terang bulan terus ke kota, Bersuka ria baba dan nyonya; Terus terang kita berkata, Ajat endak menyunteng bunga. Under the moonlight we head for the city, To join the babas and nyonyas in revelry; If I may confess my heart’s desire, It is to slip this flower behind your ear.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:05:19 +0000

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