Babasaheb Ambedkar so as to shorten my introduction in which, he - TopicsExpress


Babasaheb Ambedkar so as to shorten my introduction in which, he had started that, Brahmins are the foreigners. Evidence No. 1:- An important thing is that, these both statements are after so called independence. To understand Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts, we should link his moves with references. Dr. Ambedkar had delivered a historical speech on 28th October 1951 in Ludhiana city of Punjab state. In that speech, he had clearly stated that, Brahmins are the foreigners in India. Let’s see in his own words- “When Brahmins came to India, at that time, the Varna system got started here. Peoples were allotted their status as per their birth. Some were called as Brahmins, some Vaishyas, some Shudras and remaining ‘untouchables’. According to this division, the untouchables were at the lowest level and were completely separated from the society. Relation between Savarna Hindu and untouchables is like foot with its shoe. When we enter our homes, we keep our shoes out of home. In the same way, the untouchables were kept out of society and they were not given any kind of powers. We have tolerated an insulting treatment from the Savarna Hindus for many centuries and even now, we are tolerating social, economic and political injustice.” (Reference- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Volume-18, Part-3, Page no. 257) Try to understand Dr. Ambedkar’s statement- “When Aryans came to India then Varna system started here” – in this statement, ‘the Aryans came’ this word signifies what? It does mean that, Brahmins are the foreigners and after attacked on India they established their supremacy on this country with numerous conspiracies and then they established their Varna system here with their cunning tactics. Here, Dr. Ambedkar straightforward says that, Brahmins are the foreigners. Evidence No. 2: - On 25th November 1956 means before 9 days of his death, Dr. Ambedkar was gone for the inauguration ceremony of Kashi University. He had given a historical speech there. There also, he had told openly in his speech that, Brahmins are the foreigners – “The peoples which are now a day considered as Hindus are mostly the Nagvanshi ones. Those Naga peoples who had inhabituated India before the Aryans were much developed than the Aryans. The Aryans defeated them, only this reason is not sufficient to say that the Aryan civilization was more developed than them”. (References: – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Volume-18, Part-3, Page no. 563) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar uses word ‘Arya’ for the Brahmins and further states that, now a day, to whom; we call Hindu were the Shudras who were the earlier Nagvanshi peoples. In the pre-Aryan time that is before the invasion of the Aryans, the Naga peoples were living in India which means that, they were the native or aboriginal peoples of this country according to Dr. Ambedkar! In one of his speeches, he says clearly that, ‘When Nehru’s caste peoples come to India before 3000 years’. Does it not mean that Dr. Ambedkar wanted to say that Brahmins are the foreigners? The issue of Brahmins being foreigners in India was presented by Rashtrapita Phule and Babasaheb Ambedkar throughout their lives. However; to reject these words, Brahmins adopt various tricks. These different tricks of Eurasian Brahmins now won’t be successful. Daily Marathi news paper ‘Loksatta’ had published an article of ‘Mulnivasi Viruddha Ambedkarvad’. Basically, that article was published . The Eurasian Brahmins may do whatever tricks but how their foreignness could be hidden? सदर वरिल मत सुध्दा बाबासाहेबाचेच आहे .तपासुन खात्री करावी.खंड क्रं. व पेज नं .दिलेला आहे पुरावा म्हणुन.ब्राम्हन विदेशीच.हा हा हा.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 07:27:14 +0000

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