Babatunde Disu Let no man curse that man whom He hasnt cursed.This - TopicsExpress


Babatunde Disu Let no man curse that man whom He hasnt cursed.This is just the beginning of image battery of the old fools who have allowed their egos to override their thinking and reason ability that have made them to start to spread their dirty,stinking and drenching linens at the public glare...One is a cultist who have failed his generation and the younger generation through his advent of pioneering cultism in our higher institutions but for his Nobel Nonsense status,hes arrogated himself to being infallibleMr know it all.Hes just like a one eyed man in the midst of the totally blinds. Nigeria is a country of the totally blinds.We are blind physically and intellectually, and thats is the reason why one useless egocentric man who have never contributed anything whatsoever to our nation economically,societally and morally could turn himself to being lord over us all because of one Nobel Nonsense award he badged through his rascality in activism.The other one is a convoluted sadist and a symbol of congenital immorality and absurdity.This man is egocentric per excellence to the extent that he sees nothing wrong in sleeping around with his first sons housewife.It baffles me of the kind people that constitute the Yoruba race most especially,and the multinationals nation of Nigeria.We are so totally blind in all facet of livelihood that we can even allow these bunch of eye saws to the parading themselves as our leaders to the extent that we tend to take their concocted and fabricated lies borne out their egos as something we can ponder upon.Its the same blindness that we suffers from that have made us throw away reason ability and intellectual senses in our crave for change at all cost to seeking for the coming back of a dragon personified, a never change draconian minded Islamic bigot who have over time not hidden his insatiable and unrelenting desire to see Sharia spread to the nooks and cranny of our dear country as our hope of revival of our age long sinking country,Nigeria.Nigerians tends to have forgotten the concerted efforts we all went through to getting ride of that dark era of General Mohammed ibn Buhari as Head of state of the federal republic of Nigeria...Nigerians should wake from slumber to know that no president of the republic at this stage where corrupting marauders are everywhere can say he want to stamp out corruption the way this man GMB is deceiving everyone of coming to do.If we so much believe in the rule of law and we believe in democracy and rule of law as its cardinal operating tool,then we will know that all this deceit and bravadoes of this enemy of democracy to Nigerians is nothing but calling all of you peoples fools and gullible Yanmirinsstanching idiotic fools.He is waiting for you all to make that irredeemable mistake.If Nigerians should allowed their blindness to envelope them to the extent of falling to this orchestrated deceit of an unwavering and unrepentant islamist bigot,a man that have over time in his comments and Islamic summits speeches vowed that Insha Allah they will make sure Sharia is forced down our throats in the country,and with the waves of islamisation going on in the world today and spate of islamised terrorism going on in the world,then it would have been so disastrous to say we want to pull ourselves back from the gallows of Sharia and ceaseless violence this man of Buhari will have plunged everyone one of us if by our misfortune he become the president.Buhari and his corrupting marauders are clamoring for change under the pretense and deceit of coming to stamp out corruption as if he Buhari can just order the arrest of anybody out of the context of the rule of law.If some gullible Nigerians at this jet age where human right is the watch word of governance all over the world can think one disrespecter and enemy of democracy and rule of law can just come from the blues with his militarized and archaic mindset to do anything meaningful in a democratic setting,then what will happen wouldnt be what we have all bargained for,the resultant repression and effects would consume everyone...My questions for my fellow Nigerians goes thus...How do this deceit of a Buhari intend to stamp out corruption in a democratic government bankrolled and strategically designed to be controlled by the whims and caprices of a very corrupt Tinubu that are strategically placed around him as Vice President,ministers and as deeply corrupting members of the National Assemblies?How would Buhari deal with the corrupting spree of Bola Tinubu that have institutionalized and turned corruption a constituted norm in Lagos and other gullible state in the Southwest like Osun and Oyo states when the political will to doing so will be firmly held in the kitty of Tinubu and his ever loyal gangsters in government? ...Buhari can only tell gullible and senseless Yorubas and Nigerians at large and not me and millions iof ntellectual Nigerians of his coming to stamp out corruption in democratic setting and not in military brigandage when he had conceded to the fact that says if cannot beat them you join them.This is the same Buhari that qualify the then ACN,Asiwaju Criminals Network as extremely corrupt in 2011.This is a man that said Tinubu should let the world know the source of his dumbfounding wealth before he could allow him to merge with him,so how come has he suddenly found solace in collaborating with an astute and certified political criminal of our time,Nigerian pharaoh,all because of the deceit and craftiness of muscling power back to his people from the arctic north of the Hausafulanis?As Yorubas will sayEnu to ba ti je dodo,ko le so ododo moThis can be simply modified in English as show me your friend and let me know who you are.Buhari says hes coming to stamp out corruption,corruption my foot,he should say that to my dogs at home and not me.How do this religion bigot want to stamp out corruption in a democratic government when those that poses as main targets of the supposed anti corruption government are those that bankrolled him with stolen wealth of the public,they are the ones that chose him a gullible but puppet Vice president,they are one that constitute the organs of government that would supposedly carry out the crusade,they are the ones that constitute other tiers of government that really hold the key of power in a democratic setting.So who is Buhari deceiving for cry out loud?hes deceiving the most gullible Yorubas whose senses of hypocrisy,bandwagon,sycophancy,mediocrity and unfairness had beclouded their reason ability to decipher the antics of the Hausafulanis in their insatiable crave back for power they have held and misused for over 38yrs of our 54yrs of independent Nigeria..My fellow Nigerians,we shouldnt be swerved away from reality that General Mohammed Ibn Buhari cannot do anything nor stamp out corruption in Nigeria of today where democracy is been fully entrenched,unless we want to jeopardize the nascent democracy we have all fought for.What Buhari is looking for is that power to give back to his greedy and wicked Hausafulanis clan so they can continue in their feast of holding on to power at the expense of our freedom,emancipation,development,education,equity,prosperity,advancement,peace and sanity..It will be worth while if we reason with this analogy...These people are the set of people who doesnt do anything meaningful as economic contribution to the mainstream economy of Nigeria but want to continue use political power to enrich themselves at the detriment of their poor and marginalized wards in the north and Nigeria at large.They dont do nor have any economic trade that the whole world can attribute to them but they want to continue to live large on other regions commonwealth without any recuse to fairness,equity and humanity.These are the set of people that loudly says education is forbidden the reason why they have constantly and over time neglected the educational responsibility of their own people for their own selfish reasons,and yet some ignorant,selfish,hypocritical Yorubas are saying the power must go back to the Hausafulanis because you two couldnt withstand the shame the developmental strides the government of once a minority have brought to the fore in the country.The Yorubas and Hausafulanis oligarchy is gone forever in this country.The Yoruba people are such a people that condone illegality,criminality,maladministartion,stealing of public funds,public wealth aggrandizements and the extremely use of government instrumentalist among their folks but can quickly rise up to criticize and flatly condemn others all because they possess the media power of this country.If all minorities of this multinationals nation of Nigeria both from the north and the south and the Igbo nation can rise up to reality to becoming one unit that really need emancipation and leadership role with their votes come 2015,then the nation would have said to have had a new chat to a greater Nigeria...NIGERIANS THAT LOVE PEACE AND FREEDOM SHOULD OPEN THEIR TWO EYES AND SHINE THEM VERY WELL BECAUSE BUHARI IS COMING AT THEIR BACK!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:19:44 +0000

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