Baby Graham Headed Home This Morning If all goes according to - TopicsExpress


Baby Graham Headed Home This Morning If all goes according to plan, Graham will be dismissed from the hospital this morning and return home. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance 21 days ago. Thousands of individuals and gatherings have prayed for Baby Graham. Yesterday we heard from prayer groups in Hawaii and Nigeria. Churches, small groups, and individuals from across the religious spectrum have joined this great prayer team. These prayers are being answered in a wonderful way. Graham has not only survived his near-fatal accident—he is on a path to full recovery. The prayer effort on Graham’s behalf began when my daughter, Rebekah, first posted the news about the accident and asked for prayer on that first night in the pediatric ICU. Her posting was read by a woman in Hawaii who called a friend in New Orleans. She found out where Graham was and immediately began to give us support in her presence and her prayers. My first FB posting was Thursday, maybe 24 hours after the accident. The immediate response was amazing. God seemed to stir the hearts of people to pray for this baby boy. Some people for whom prayer was a very rare or difficult activity began to pray fervently and continuously for Graham. Many were so burdened for Graham that they could not get him off their minds. They woke up at night thinking about him and praying for him. A friend was describing her own immediate and passionate prayer response when she heard about Graham’s accident. I heard and saw her tell her story, and I realized that this, too, was the activity of God. Through Graham’s great need, God was drawing people into a prayer journey. God sent a prayer revival by way of concern for Graham. God knew what he intended for Graham though we did not. We cannot see the end from the beginning, but God can. God prompted people to pray and believe on Graham’s behalf in order that he might display his majesty and increase our faith. Our daily dialogue with him is so important to him and to us. An increase in prayer leads an increase in all kinds of good things. I hope that your prayers for Graham will continue as he gains strength and recovers some of his former activities. Pray for us family members. We want to respond to God in all of this, aligning our lives with his purposes for us. Pray for me as I seek to understand and articulate the activity and character of God in the midst through the lens of this personal crisis. I want to know God more fully and follow him more closely for having spent these last days in the crucible of prayer.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:45:39 +0000

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