Baby Jack update: Jack makes every day an adventure, no matter - TopicsExpress


Baby Jack update: Jack makes every day an adventure, no matter what we are doing. We spent the morning playing in his room. He really loves his new tunnel, although Im not sure the manufacturer intended for him to climb on top of it or get inside of it and roll it across the room. He is all boy! We also made sure to practice his standing and walking today, because Ms. Letty is coming tomorrow. Jack just hasnt decided that he wants to yet. I know as soon as he does, he will take off! He is so funny though. When I help him walk across the house, he likes me to hold both of his hands. When I only hold one, he will stop and give me an annoyed look while he reclaims my other hand. I know he must be thinking that good help is hard to find! Jack is making progress and today he stood alone for several seconds. Praise God for that! When Halston came home this evening, I was proud at how well Jack did eating his dinner tonight. He ate peas, chicken, and cheese. He was such a good boy that he got a cookie for dessert. Jack was proud of his cookie, but I was proud that he ate his vegetable, protein, and dairy. Those foods are more important for his body than the cookie. It is tempting to get our priorities out of order, isnt it? There are certain priorities in life, that we must take seriously and strive to keep in the right order. What should our top priority in life be? Our second?... Jesus did not beat around the bush when He was asked this question. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Matthew 22:37-39) Jesus said these two commandments are so important that all the rest stem directly from them. Above all, without question, God should be first in our life. We are to devote our entire being (mind, body, and soul) to loving and serving Him. He is our Creator and our Redeemer. (*By the way- Do not confuse putting God first, with putting our ministry or the church first. It is not the same as our relationship with The Lord.) God should come first and loving others should come next. And within that group of everyone else to love, our family should rank the highest. (That is why I said not to confuse putting God first with putting the church first. We are to give our family priority over our ministry within the church. If we cant take care of our families, which are what the church is made of, the whole thing will fall apart. See I Timothy 3:5) If we focus on these two commandments, everything else will fall into place. Think about it. If we love God and keep Him first, we will strive to keep all of His other commandments as well, wont we? If we love our families, we will be faithful to them and work hard to provide wont we? And if we love others as ourself, we wont be stealing from them, hurting them, lying to them, or killing them, right? They will see Jesus love in us. See? It just makes good sense to keep our priorities straight. If we keep God first and others second, everything else will fall into order. And I think we will find ourselves happier and blessed because of it. I thank The Lord for making me His priority when He became a sacrifice for my sin. Thank you as always, for praying to keep Jack healthy, eating, and breathing.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:02:02 +0000

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