Baby Jack update: Jack woke up in a sweet mood this morning and we - TopicsExpress


Baby Jack update: Jack woke up in a sweet mood this morning and we laid in bed talking to each other. I said, Mama, Mama, Mama, over and over again and he looked at me with that mischievous smile that I love. I am hoping that if I say it enough, he will join in one day. Today though, he just did his normal baby talk and that is music to my ears. Jack didnt know it yet, but he was about to go on an adventure. He had a quick bath, got dressed, and before long he was cruising along in the backseat of his best friend-cousin Haleys car. Our first stop was surprising Halstons Nanny at the nursing home. She was eating lunch with her gal pals when we snuck up on her. She was so happy to see Jack and he had a great time visiting her. She told Haley she just wanted to roll around, so we pushed her down all the hallways. That way, she could show off her great grandson to all her friends, and even some people she didnt know. I sure hope Jack has inherited some of her spunky personality! We even saw the same man, who told us last time that Jack was his grand baby too. He reminded us to take care of that baby before we left. After that, we did some more errands, had lunch, and headed back towards the house. We made one last stop on the way home. We dropped in to pay Halstons Granny and Grandpa a visit as well. I told Halston that I have seen almost all of his relatives this week and if I have missed any, he can let me know. Jack had a great time rocking, reading, and napping with Granny. Then his Grandpa earned another gold star for getting down out of his chair and playing in the floor with Jack. I really cant tell you just how blessed Jack is with wonderful family everywhere he goes. That was enough adventures for Jack and he was exhausted when we got back home. He took a refreshing nap (twenty-five minutes worth) and wanted to get back in the game. Since he was still so tired, he was a little unreasonable while we played. But in spite of his fussiness, Jack did some of the best sitting up I have ever seen him do. While Haley entertained him, he sat straight up in the floor with no help from me. All I did was tap on his shoulder when he started to lose balance and he righted himself. Praise God for miracles in everyday moments! Later in the evening, Mary, Breanna, and Hannah joined us for a Bible study. We have been going through the Gospels, looking at The Life of Christ on Earth. Tonight we read about the time when He was twelve years old and Mary and Joseph left Him behind in Jerusalem. They forgot to make sure He was with them when they left the city. After three days of panicked searching, they finally found Him in the temple, teaching the doctors and amazing them all with His wisdom. Mary, who was surely at her wits end, asked Jesus why He had done that to her. And He said unto them, How is it that ye sought Me? wist ye not that I must be about My Fathers business? (Luke 2:49) I pointed out that this account is the only glimpse into The Lords childhood that God chose to record in His Word. There are twelve unrecorded years after His dedication in the temple as a Baby. After this story of Him in the temple, there are twenty more years that we dont hear about before He started His ministry. So why did God choose to include this story about Jesus at twelve, out of all the others? I asked the question to our small group and received a remarkable answer from another twelve year old. She thought for a second and said, Because no matter how many times we forget Jesus, we will never lose Him. I admit, I was blown away by the profound wisdom held in that simple statement. After all, The Lord says, ...Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise? Of course, sometimes kids talk nonsense, but sometimes- God speaks through them to proclaim precious truth. She is right. Christians can get swept away by the cares of the world. We can get distracted and off track. We can forget Who God is and who we are as His Children. We can make horrible messes and forget to call on His Name. But no matter what we do, we will never lose The Savior. He has bought us with a Price, and He is not letting us go. He is always there, whether we remember to look to Him or not. Sometimes we just need a little reminder (maybe the voice of a child) to know that Jesus is still with us. I praise God that He is always there for me. I thank Him for His Word and for the many answered prayers to help Jack learn and grow. Thank you for continuing to pray to keep him healthy, eating, and breathing.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 04:44:21 +0000

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