Baby Kona has been playing at the Rainbow Bridge for two months - TopicsExpress


Baby Kona has been playing at the Rainbow Bridge for two months today. It seems so very long ago that he left us. So much has happened but I still think of him everyday. Mostly my thoughts are filled with images of him around the house playing, eating, watching the squirrels and the birds, and dozing off in his favorite places. I wonder what he would have looked like by now if he had not gotten sick. He probably would have grown and his colors would have changed as well. I wonder what his favorite toys would be now and if he would still be afraid of certain things or have grown used to them by now. Every time it thunders or the garbage truck with its blinking lights rolls through, I think of him. Every time I see the squirrels running and playing, I think of him. Every time a golf tournament is on TV, I think of him. Every time my son opens or closes the door to the game room, I think of how much he loved going back there. I miss him waking me up when he was not so sick by nibbling on my toes or digging furiously at the sheets next to me. Sometimes I still expect him to be sleeping on the bedroom floor like he did when he was too weak to jump on the bed anymore. I miss his soft, beautiful, cream colored fur and his clear blue eyes. I miss him running to greet me at the door. I miss him galloping to his food and water bowls in the morning to show me that he is hungry. I miss him finding new places to sleep and me having to find him. I miss him watching me from the front window when I was outside. I miss coming here every day to tell you all about his day and how he was feeling. My heart still aches when I think of how sick he got and the day we found out how horrible this disease that ultimately took his life was. My heart still aches remembering the day we spent at urgent care doing sonograms and bloodwork and how tired he was when I took him home. The pain is still there when I remember how that beautiful little boy lost all of that energy and spunk that he had when we first became a family. The heartache of knowing that his disease could not be cured, just managed, until his body gave up on his soul will never go away. He was cheated out of the life he was supposed to have. His soul is pure and loving and will live on forever in all of our hearts and thoughts. He is missed by many, every day, and he will always be remembered for his silly antics and loving ways. We will never forget him and every day there will be something that will make us remember him in our own special way. Rest easy and in peace beautiful baby Kona. I pray that you can still feel the love all around you and the belly rubs and eskimo kisses. Most of all I pray that I did right by you and that you know how much you were loved and cherished. We will meet again one day and I will be expecting you to gallop towards me as though time stood still. My arms will be open to pull you towards me and hold on to you forever. Loving you always, sweet baby Kona. Till we meet again. P.S. Life has gone on without him, though, and as much as I could never imagine, he has a new sister that I rescued 3 weeks ago from living under a car on my street. She may have been dumped, lost or ran away but she was alone and left to fend for herself in the elements. I fed her for a week under that car and prayed nightly that she found a safe place to sleep. She hid, but meowed, when anyone came close to her or the car. After that week, I could not bear knowing that she was alone and scared. I bought a live trap and put in down with her food one Sunday morning and caught her within an hour and brought her home. My intention was to keep her until the next day when I could take her to my veterinarians office and give them money to check her health and leave her there for adoption. I did not think I could have another kitten so soon after Kona. But, when she walked out of that trap and rubbed her head on me and purred I knew she was meant to be with us and I could not let her go. Her name is Mini, as she lived under a Mini Cooper, and she was approximately 8 weeks old when I rescued her. That put her birthdate around mid to end of July, which is crazy, since Kona was born on July 15th. So, needless to say, since we are not sure, her birthday will be celebrated with Konas on July 15 each year. Some say Kona sent her to me. I choose to believe that he did as well, to ease the pain and for his spirit to live on forever in her.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:13:24 +0000

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