Baby Udpdate !!! So after sending literally all day up OUS fetal - TopicsExpress


Baby Udpdate !!! So after sending literally all day up OUS fetal medicine.We still have alot of unanswered question. After 45 minutes of waiting to be seen I was taken back too do my ulterasound which took 2 hours long ( NO JOKE) , 176 picture were taken to day and both babies where examined a great deal. Kinsley Elizabeth (baby a ,bottom baby) is 11oz and is health as a horse so far no birth defect nothing , strong heart beat everything was great she was active and bounce everywhere. Gracie Ray (baby b, top baby) is 4 oz and is measuring 2-3 week behind her sister. She has a strong heArt beat is VERY active, no bith defect other then she small n does in indeeed have fluid on her brain, not just a lil alot of fluid. Its hard to believe this strong heart beat lil girl that move like crazy has a issue but she does. So here her news Gracie could have downs, or she couldnt it could a few thing that are rare diseases that she got from our dna make up. Our doctor couldnt promise us she make it , the just dont know. Only thing they could say for sure if she pass while still in the womb kinsley wouldnt be affect cause they are in different sacks. So here the worst news they say that lil kinsley may have the same dna make up as gracie n even if she dont show sign now she may later on. They advise me of my options and I had a 2 hour procedure done today , to check for downs on both babies and to check their dna marker to pin point the issue. I was advise of the risk that having these needle put in my stomach would do or cause but the reason behind them out weigh the risk greatly. Gracie may not make if the cant pin point it now. It great chance they can figure thing and issue out now rather then later. So I sign my name and let them do what they needed. THE babies are doing fine and their mom is just cramping n sore. They also took mine n Joe blood too check dna marker to see if one or the other caused this. I will have test result some of them beginning of nexts week other will be two week from now when I return for more exam at OSU. I go see my regular doctor this tuesday and I rotute doctor every two week til farther notice. I dont know if Gracie will live they cant answer that for me, they cant answer if she live a normal life. But the likeiness of either arent to bright. But hopefully the answer will be gotten soon.Ni
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:11:03 +0000

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