Baby hop up in my ride.its hot as hell outside. Got my shades on. - TopicsExpress


Baby hop up in my ride.its hot as hell outside. Got my shades on. Door closed with my hands up all on your thighs. Drive slooooow. Take your time. Everything that you do got me feeling some type of way. MR STEAL YOUR GIRL 12 By the end of the night. It was Leon that wined and dined Raine. He was the perfect gentleman throughout the night. He kept the conversation flowing with ease. Raine never lost the smile on her face. He never took his attention off her. Even when Raine noticed how much attention he drew to himself from the ladies who openly checked him out. Raine thought she would feel a pang of jealousy or insecure but she felt like she was floating on cloud nine and all because Leon was there with her. She was taken aback at how attractive he was. She never truely noticed it before till now. Raine-Youre really attractive. Did you know that? Leon-yeah I know. Raine-wow. Lol you are full of yourself. Leon-Nah. Its just that this girl once referred to me as Channing tatum. Ever since then. I knew I was good looking. He was referring to the time she mockingly named him after the actor. She laughed. Raine-youre cute in your own right. Leon stared at Raine making her shift in her chair. Leon-Does looks matter to you? Raine-No. Leon-it does for me. Raine-haha can you be serious just once?! Lol Leon-ok. You wana hear something serious? Im glad you texted me. Im glad you chose to find what happiness is for yourself. Im glad that for the first time. You can fully smile without the expression of pain that always shadowed behind those pretty brown eyes. Raine was speechless. Leon leaned foward. She found herself moving towards him at the same time. His hand went under her chin,lifting her face up towards him to place a soft kiss on her lips before running his thumb across her bottom lip. They drove to the drive ins to catch a movie. Neither wanted the night to end. Leon didnt try to kiss her again. He knew she was still afraid. By the time they pulled back upto Leons Place. Raine was fidgeting in her seat. Leon-do you need to pee? Raine-NO! Omg dont ask a girl that! Leon-but youre squirming in your seat. Asking isnt embarrassing. You peeing in my car would be. Not that Ill judge you for it... Raine-Aikae! Stop talking. I dont need to use the toilet. My God youre making me more nervous. Leon-you actually swore at me lol you must be getting comfortable....ok ok Ill stop messing around. Whats wrong? Raine-nothing. She tried to get out of the car again but Leon stopped her. Leon-Tell me. Raine-Would you..I mean...Can I.......*exhales* I dont want to see anyone but you. Leon-are you?....asking me out? Raine-dont worry. Leon-Raine..Youve always had me. You just never knew it. But now you do. He kissed her on the cheek then ruined the moment by hurrying her out of the car cause he was busting to go toilet. He waved her bye. Standing on the sidewalk til her car rounded the corner. That was how they were from that night on. He joked and laughed with her. Wined and dined her. She would nurse him when he was sick. No one was more happier for them then Nessa who saw the change in Raine. She never thought Raine would really leave Harlem. So head over heels in love with him was she that she was blinded by what she deserved. She did feel dissapointed in Harlem for not stepping up and fighting for her but his loss became Leons gain. But Nessa believed it was Raines gain in finding such a guy. Masons birthday was on the coming weekend and he wanted to celebrate with the boys and ONLY the boys. Their Partners grudgingly agreed. Raine made plans with Nessa to go out for dinner and catch up with the other girls. They were over the boys house to help them get ready. Raine-Be safe ok babe? Leon-Always safe. How long will you be out for tonight? Raine-Ill probably be in bed by 10 lol dont drink too much. Leon-I can hold my drinks babe. Leave your window open tonight. Raine-Why? Leon-because. Channing tatum is gona be creeping through your window tonight. Raine-Lol you know theres roses under my window right? Leon-I forgot. Your mums a smart woman planting her roses under all the bedroom windows. Raine-its moekolo proof. Haha Leon-then Ill opt for calling you when I get home instead. Raine-probably safer. Ill miss you. Leon-Ill miss you too. Dont talk me up too much to your friends. They might get jealous haha Raine-your ego is getting overboards babe lol. Have fun. He kissed her long before Mason and Nigel dragged him to the car..... 3 a.m Raines phone starting going off. She answered and was bombarded by the yelling in the background. She couldnt make out what mason was saying.. Raine-I dont understand. What happened? Whos yelling? Mason-Raine. Lucilla is on her way to your house to get you. Raine-I dont understand. Whats going on? Mason-Its Leon.... It was hard to hear what Mason was saying. There was so much swearing in the background. Raine-Mason...Mason can you hear me? I couldnt hear what you said... Mason-Leons been rushed to the hospital. Can you hear me? Leon was jumped by your exs brothers. Lucillas coming to get you...... Raine didnt hear anything else after that. She jumped out of bed,changing clothes and grabbing her bag,Running outside just ad Lucilla pulled up. She jumped in the car,tears falling down her face. Lucilla-Hell be ok. Hell be ok. He has to be. The boys are waiting til we get there so they can go after the ones who did it. Lucilla was trying to hold her own tears back. Terrified because Nigel didnt give her much details on what happened.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:17:29 +0000

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