Baby sister, it aint necessarily so succint; so cut and dried. - TopicsExpress


Baby sister, it aint necessarily so succint; so cut and dried. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture, but I believe Im uniquely qualified to disagree with you. This really touches a nerve with me personally. Remember the Statue Of Liberty? Bring me your tired, your poor/Youre huddled masses yearing to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teaming shores! Send those, the homeless tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!.........Press 1 for English...... Well, we have a large population of people struggling to work for menial work just to have money to send back to their starving families and they dont all speak English! Jesus would have us help them, support them as we would welcome Jesus or any unknown stranger; it is annoying at times, for sure; but we have invited them, as we would Jesus. Did Jesus speak English? I dont think so; he was Jewish; a language we dont understand. In America, the homeless go without eating....Often the case, simply because they dont know of the resources available to them! I WAS HOMELESS and STARVING! Thanks be to God, I stumbled upon one of the many soup kitchens in our small town, purely by chance. However, I believe God showed me that path... Elderly go without treatment. Again, there are many resources available. We just have to spread the word to those that have given up! Troops go without proper equipment. On this I must agree! We have done a very poor job of providing for our troups; but that is slowly changing. It is, indeed, outrageous. Vets go without promised benefits. Again, sadly true. However, we are making strides to change that... We donate billions to other countries before helping our own....... Again, true. However, we donate money to nations that will help protect our interests and our freedom from threats overseas in the long run. Sure, it needs a tune up to address our immediate needs here in the U.S., but progress is being made, slow as it is.... There are a lot of organizations that provide assistance to our troops away from home. Yet, we arent pro-active! We sit back on our asses and do nothing to contribute, except to criticize! One is We can all get involved and provide them the small, simple basics of life that they can leave in the deserts if need be. Care packages are sent every single month to every single trooper from every county in the United States. Yeah, it costs a little money to donate 30 or so small containers of hand sanitizer, facial wipes, tooth brushes and toothpaste, pens and notepads, envelopes and stamps, snacks, even jigsaw and crossword puzzles to while away the time. In the past, Ive spent about $70 each month to do this. Right now, Ive had to hold back because my own financial situation is in bad shape. But I plan to change that and start donating once again. There are also people in Decatur in need of help. We have many opportunities to help them. Right now, my car is packed with donations of pots, pans, flatware ,dishes, sheets, lamps, shower curtains, clothing, chairs, etc., thanks to my neighbor that was evicted and just left everything behind! We can ALL CONTRIBUTE! I plan to take all my donations to CCC, the Community for Church Cooperation that provides meals, groceries, household items for those in need. WHEW! Again, sorry to dump, but we have the resources to help way beyond our own selfish needs! Again, what would Jesus do?............
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:08:34 +0000

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