Baby steps continued today. Brooklyn was able to go on to a - TopicsExpress


Baby steps continued today. Brooklyn was able to go on to a regular canula today, meaning she is requiring less support. She still has to sleep on the cpap and use the high flow when needing a rest. She has been up in the chair multiple times today, got to go on a wheel chair ride around the ICU and looked out the window, and she has been able to eat solid food today. She is only eating bites so her tube feed will continue until she can prove that she can eat enough!! Her main issue has been trying to get through the pain. She has a very large incision on her side/back along with sore muscles and ribs from surgery and coughing. She is one tough girl and the nurses continue to mention how much better she is doing than most. Brandon went back home this evening so he can go to work the next couple days so my mom will be staying with me at the hospital while Brandons parents hold down the fort at home. In other news Jax started soccer tonight. Sad I couldnt be there but grateful to at least get pictures. We will continue on with the baby steps and cant wait until we are home together again!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:44:34 +0000

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