Babylon , Iraq - Gate of the Gods Babylon , the legendary city - TopicsExpress


Babylon , Iraq - Gate of the Gods Babylon , the legendary city , is the most famous land of antiquity . It was the capital of 10 dynasties Mesopotamian king Hammurabi dynasty since ( 1792-1750 BC ) , the 6th king of the first dynasty , the last dynasty under which peaked Babylon is well known mainly due to the de- the second king , Nebuchadnezzar II ( 605-563 BC ) , the period it belongs to most of the existing buildings in Babylon. BABYLON etymology refers to the term bab - ili , which translates to Gate of the Gods . It was believed that the gods could descend at any time here on earth , and conversely, an opportunity for people to climb to the gods. Worldwide, Babylon is seen as one of the most famous cities of antiquity , famous for both its diversity and cosmopolitan nature , and the beauty and splendor. In the classical period , the city of Babylon spoke with great admiration and reverence . Cultural and governmental center , Babylon flourished for fifteen centuries , from the arrival of the Amorites , in 1850 BC by Alexander the Great , who died in 322 BC between the city walls Today, its ruins covers about 30 km2 , between the east bank of the Euphrates River , 90 miles from Baghdad and up to about 10 km north of Hilla . The most important monuments of Babylon today are the Summer and Winter Palaces of King Nebuchadnezzar II, the Ziggurat attached their procession path , the Lion of Babylon and the famous Ishtar Gate . The city was arguably the first metropolis of mankind. Herodotus he considers the biggest but also the most beautiful city in the world. It was also the cursed city of antiquity , the Old Testament prophets cursing terrible for this city-state conquered Judea in Hebrew taking them captive. About Babylon the ... people attempt to do without God We should get one thing straight . Why is Babylon the cursed city of antiquity . In fact, the only Christian church held a town cursed Babylon . and heres why ! Nebuchadnezzar II concealed empire Assyria , Syria and Palestine , and in 597 BC captured Jerusalem , which after ten years completely destroyed - in retaliation to an uprising of its people and the survivors brought in Babylonian exile - hence the hatred that permeates down against him and the city . Babylon of Bible Prophecy books The destruction of the Jewish state by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar II marked , in fact , conclusion of a cycle in the history of Hebrew , inaugurating a new phase - exile . Country of Hebrew exile was , paradoxically, homeland of the patriarch Abraham . I have to say the fact that the Babylonians were well behaved with the Jews , giving them autonomy and many rights. This appeared synagogues ( Jewish churches ) . Here Jews were organized in communities and keeping the day of rest , the Sabbath has become very important. Prophet Daniel Babylon is considered the most ancient city of the prophetic curse from the Babylonian captivity . The most important of these was Daniel . His name even means God is judge . Daniel was a historical figure , cosmopolitan (born in Israel , lived in Babylon and died in Persia ) known to at least five languages ( Hebrew, his native language , Sumerian sacred traditional language of Babylon , Akadian or Babylonian , popular national language , Aramaic , the international language of commerce and diplomacy and eventually Persian language spoken in Susa ) . The territory of the two countries in the Middle East , Babylon and Persia , Daniel transmitted over the centuries , a special correspondent in the form of reports, ten in number . Five of them are records of his time current affairs (fifth century BC ) , and the other five predictions about the evolution of the world. He sees a transformation of international relations until the terminus of world history . In fact, Daniel tells us that God was not defeated by the fact that it allowed the fall of Jerusalem , because people can not do without God. Babylon was a test given by God to the Jews. The truth is that during the Babylonian captivity the Jews and religious attitude changed completely , becoming a people inclined to idolatry , a nation with a monotheistic faith stronger than granite. In only 70 years in captivity , God cleansed the Hebrew in the oven and take out his anger there forever cured . According to Daniel , Babylon had to have the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah , the cities destroyed by the wrath of God.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:27:32 +0000

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