Babylon is About to Fall Babylon fell already with the - TopicsExpress


Babylon is About to Fall Babylon fell already with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies of Titus in 70 A.D. Religious leaders of a nation that sold their soul to Rome in preference to the Messiah/Savior of true peace found themselves ultimately destroyed by the might of satanic empire. So history repeats itself in modern times. Antinomian America is Babylon revived, and destined to meet the same fate of utter destruction at the hands of the Roman beast. "The ten horns shall hate the whore and burn her with fire" (Revelation 17:16-17) "In one hour is so great riches is come to naught." "In one hour is she made desolate." Babylon recreated in the Zio-American empire will be destroyed by the rest of the world that does not share her delusional values. Scofield/Darby dispensationalism, that fills the religious scene in worldly backslidden American so-called evangelical Christianity today expects to be removed in secret rapture before seven years. Worldview FAST ASLEEP. Totally fast fast asleep in perceiving true REALITY. "They know not until the flood will come and sweep them all away." Too prejudiced to be interested the the truth that could turned the tide in favor of better things. Cannot handle this reality---Antinomians will not be raptured; they will be destroyed, Dispensationalism has made us Antinomians. Wake up and get the goods of GENUINE Christianity. Worldly compromisers who have forsaken the way of true holiness--REPENT. PREACHERS FOOLING AROUND IN MODERNISTIC EXISTENTIAL NONSENSE WAKE UP. God is giving us fair warning. What are we going to do about it? Play games as usual? Or break out of the gestalt and experience a "paradigm shift" that will bring us back, ideologically and philosophically speaking, to moral reality? To heavy for stupid. But who says we have to go through life being stupid? LORD WOUND US---Lord offend us---IN ORDER THAT WE MIGHT BE HEALED---in order that we might be truly reconciled.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 01:20:54 +0000

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