Back at the desk. Good to be back in very familiar surroundings. - TopicsExpress


Back at the desk. Good to be back in very familiar surroundings. Bear with, as I reorganize relevant thoughts This subject of ‘racism’ is an important one to discuss, though it is sensitive to most who are confronted with the fallout from it. In that regard, because I expected fall -out from this very volatile subject and the context in which it appears, I wanted to bring this front and center. There is a huge climate of racial tension around the incident in Ferguson Missouri and so many incidents of police/law enforcement and the plight of urban residents specifically youth and male of color. Many time on this page, I have advocated that historical knowledge alleviates the stress of this unending conflict specifically I respected Attorney General Holder’s courage to point what he observed as a climate of cowardliness which I referred to as ‘sweeping sensitive issues under the rug. It was the very reason I was not at first, enthused about Obama’s quest for the presidency. I sensed that the ‘swept under the rug of vital issues surrounding race in the society would emerge and charge....with this man at the helm.... For one, observing and examining and citing historical realities is not encourage in academia, religion, or any other discipline where all these are present as long as the society is historically grounded in hundreds of years of involuntary servitude on the part of a people and extended years of subordinate status to the very present. Having stated that I can turn to my actual focused my actual theme about America’s and world history, very much immersed the theme of ‘Nile and Sphinx, a Buried Past’ . The global world of which we are all a part, proceeds as though that long ago history never occurred... the making and leaving evidence of the architecture and cultural motifs of a remote civilization. No real explanation for the pyramid, sphinx, and dynastic history of That first civilization on the Nile from which so much of western civilization sprang. The one group of persons of my ethnic identity are clueless of the thousands of years of history their kind brought to western civilization.... and how that applies to the present world. In fact, no nation of the world as we know it was untouched by that history. We see evidence of this in the most important architectural and religious concepts of Western civilization. Yet, we do not question why or how an image of a pyramid appears on the one dollar bill... a pyramid with an all seeing eye. Providence... the great seal of the United Stated...What does that mean to us today? What does the Obelisk of the Washington monument mean...? Today we are witnessing a scare tactic to cause negative response, persons thoroughly as..... admitted ‘are ignorant of that history and as a result attempt to deny it by denying self. ‘Raven admitted her ignorance of any connection with a past that would identify her as an African American rather than an America. In a way, she’s right. After all in the naming process that historical conquest brings about ‘names’ are assigned often without substantive reasoning. Example Amerigo Vespucci earned the right to name a land, America’ when the people who occupy the land have very little knowledge of the Spanish explorer of his accomplishments yet people so proudly label themselves American....Three is not much difference in that history and the history in the meaning of the word ‘Africa’. There are several stated backgrounds for the word Africa... the relationship of the word to in profound history... Africanus Major and Africanus Minor, two medieval Roman generals who conquered Carthage, now Tunisia on the continent in twelve consecutive battles, known to history as the Punic Wars... not clear the impact of those wars, except that Hannibal of Barca, a General of high regard marched across the Alps ... actually defeated Africanus until one of his Generals under serious coercion, defected (joined the Roman opposition ....Interesting history and Carthage, burned to ground yielded a great deal of bonded persons in the pre trans-Atlantic epoch... How is this relevant ?. .. Steps leading to.....enterprise. So African Major defeated Hannibal and the continent began the conquest decline throughout that area... Later the continent was associated with that historical episode. How Roman Generals gained the name ‘Africanus’ is not clear... except that their ‘real’ names were Scipio. (Look up Punic Wars. I came across while studying European history... So not many of these names or these geographical areas named in the aftermath,,, for the most part, of war. Someone fights and wins and the conquered territory is named for that individual... Example... A Dutch military leader Andries Pretorius for whom the city of Pretoria in South Africa is named because of a campaign to avenge his death in what is known as the Battle of Blood River in which 10, 000 of the Zulu nation were killed defending their land against Dutch aggression... the river filled with their blood... Hence, battle of Blood River...., (look up) And so it is perfectly understandable why here is relevance, the name Red Skins is such an offensive name to native peoples.... what a name to assign to a football team. Throughout history men, countries and nations go to war, often resulting in the slaughter of volumes of innocent lives in the process of claiming victory of land and resources of those conquered. Does it ever occur to those who so proudly hail that at one point the land was occupied by an advanced cultures (Aztec , Inca and Mayan civilizations) whose histories are buried and not at all referred to except in small pages of histories of the land here. the descendants called ‘Indians’ because Columbus did not know the history of the people and believed he had arrived in India. Same story of those who brought a number of bonded persons from a land called Niger, pronounced (Neegere ) on the coast of that huge continent and later reduced to what many refer to for lack of knowledge, ..(. with the N WORD pronunciation and accepted as an insult ) Those feeling the blast of that word did not have a clue of its origin. Or that those traders could not pronounce the name, Neegere... became the N word. There are so many incidents in history of naming people and claiming their lands and ‘burying’ the evidence. It pays to know the source of these words and conclusions and how all this relates to that. It is not likely that all names and their origins can be restored as a good will gesture. Not likely, though just knowing helps toward understanding a people’s cultural nature. And about the Smallpox epidemic brought to the native peoples.. how much of that resulted in the burial of their culture... defeat of their system and the taking away of livestock and other natural resources provided by a benevolent Giver of all things? Oh now I must go.... Just thinking about it all this mess... The ‘natives’ of this land not really native Americans because Amerigo Vespucci for whom the land is named was an Italian explorer , like Africanus Major was a Roman...General....who did not share the culture of those original people of Carthage on that continent.. So this is an important proposal that the past is ‘buried’ I stating in ‘Nile and Sphinx..’ how that ‘burial occurred. Yet implied about it with a question... How, why did this happen? The fall of that civilization, that people???? ...the deliberate attempt to blot out or make the connection of that history to the significance of present events.... To take this to the level of serious inquiry... No study that I am aware of raises the issue of an Infinite design that orchestrated the decline and fall of the ancient system. Why? This time I left out that part that connects attitudinal areas from the period of the Civil War and Lincoln, the great liberator’s views about this people and the society during the turbulent war period to contrast it with Roosevelt (FDR) and the Sixties epoch to the present. Taking into consideration the meaning of this term so freely and often tossed about, ‘racism’, what is its origin and its perpetuation thereof...I need to go there on next entry’s associated meaning Will return to an explosive exchange of the previous era(s) that led to what we now see......................................... Peace..... Love... The Best.... Until ...............................................................................................................................
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:56:41 +0000

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