Back braces, pain avoidance & Kate Hudson On T.V. there is an - TopicsExpress


Back braces, pain avoidance & Kate Hudson On T.V. there is an add for getting a back brace at little or no cost to you! that makes me want to tear my hair out. The reason that it bothers me is that the add is implying that a brace, a work around, a band-aid solution is the approach we should take to bring ourselves pain relief. I think this is an evil message that damns us to a life of never being whole if we submit to it. Now dont get in an uproar thinking that I am some ultra right wing Christian Scientist who doesnt believe in using medical devices or treatments to make us well or at least hold a problem in stasis; I assure you I am not and I have two prescriptions that I take daily to prove it. But most of us suffer from back pain because we are weak and over weight. If that statement is too blunt for you I apologize for the offense but not for its content. One of the things that pushes me to mold a better body is pain avoidance. Ten years ago I was at least 25 pounds of fat heavier and had frequent back problems as well as other niggling health concerns. I knew that weight loss and regular core work outs plus stretching would reduce my pain but I was too busy and the work outs were too hard. I finally started to rethink what I eat and how I treat my body and have had less pain and a healthier body that allows me to do more things with greater enthusiasm and fun because I began giving myself the time and care I deserve. Exercise and fat loss really does make a huge difference and losing 25 pounds of extra fat is a good all around health decision. As time went on I noticed that not only did I feel better but that I looked better too. Vanity can be a bad thing but I like to think that any impetus that makes us do the right thing is something we should not be ashamed of and looking our best, when accompanied by proper self care, is something that not only helps ourselves but also those around us as we can contribute more when we are healthier. In response to a fitness question the actor Kate Hudson answered, For me beauty and fitness go hand in hand because, like most women, I work out to feel great but also look great. Theres no way a woman gets up at 6:30a.m. just for the mood boost. She wants to fit into her jeans and look fantastic too. (Shape magazine Vol. 33, #3, Nov., 2013) I would tell Kate that doing my daily exercise to keep pain at bay is plenty of motivation to get up early and workout but I would have to admit that looking good is a definite positive reinforcer that makes the effort just a bit easier to maintain. Now get off the coach!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:27:06 +0000

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