Back from the doctors finally...Since I could not make a quick - TopicsExpress


Back from the doctors finally...Since I could not make a quick appointment with my regular doctor, i went to the emergency room for the pain in my throat and loss of voice...Finally got seen late in the afternoon...Not much they could do...Could not get me an appointment for even an ultra sound until August at the earliest...While this was going on, Diane went upstairs to see her doctor (a Gastrointerologist) for her checkup...He pulled up all my records and told her if i had any problems getting an appointment to come see him as he did not like the Throat problem....While looking at my recent test results, he told Diane a few things...Seems that most of my lower back and spine has one heck of a lot of arthritis in it...My shoulders are full of spurs and what looks like small bone chips...My neck is also full of spurs..Rotator cuffs are shot...Nothing new as i have been rather rough on my body throughout my life...He did find one nodule on my left lung but said it is stationary and not an immediate concern/threat..He will address that after he checks my throat...He is more concerned with the possible dangers presented by my throat...They couldnt get me an appointment, but he did...He scheduled me for a scope he will personally do on the 8th of April...He plans to check out my throat, esophagus, voice box, and then go check my stomach and anything else he can with the scope...I will post more as i know more...Just in the event it is something as simple as acid reflux that i let go for to long, he has put me on a two week course to take care of that...Claims that by the time I have the scope, I should be getting better if it is simply that...The scrip meds for that cost right at 100 bucks...he said to go to Sams, look on the shelf and get Omeprazole for 15 bucks..same amount of the exact same active ingredient and left me money for my honey...Blood pressure and chloresterol are under control and i am down another 5 point something pounds...If you want to lose weight, come do what i do and if you live through the first week, you will lose lots of
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 23:47:44 +0000

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