Back home after a fantastic couple of days of music and family in - TopicsExpress


Back home after a fantastic couple of days of music and family in Tamworth. We arrived Friday and took a drive down King George Avenue (looking beautiful) and caught the last hour if Kasey Chambers at the Bicentennial Park opener. Up Saturday to introduce Linda to my brother Rob (didnt confirm so missed Fay) then showed Linda my old home at Piallamore and returned to town via Loomberah. The country sure looks great after all the rain. Its a long time since Ive seen lucerne hay being cut on the dryland blocks. Did my old heart good. Id read Deniese Morrison raving about this young fella by the name of Ryan Sampson and since hes teamed up with an old friend in Pixie Jenkins went to see their first Campfire show. Pixie is a legend and Ryan is a knockout. He brought us both to tears with the Deniese Morrison/Alan Caswell composition Edith Annie, written about Denieses Grandmother. Ryan is worth a look any day. Just because someone sounds great on record doesnt mean they can cut it live. Ryan has the goods in my opinion. Then we went to Beccy Coles show with Libbie Donovan. Libbie brought us undone again with her song co-written about Alzheimers Disease. Both of us lost a parent to that awful affliction. Then Beccy did it again with her new song about the poor treatment of our returned servicemen and women. A fantastic show with young Mickey Pye on guitar and Beccys ex-husband on fiddle and a guest spot with their son on guitar. The rhythm section whose names I couldnt remember are very solid. A chick on drums is always good to see. Then after a quick nap and a snack we went back to North Tamworth Bowling Club for Andrew Clermont Supper Club featuring fiddles. As always Andrew creates an interesting couple of hours entertainment. Linda likened him to the Pied Piper. Sunday morning had us taking a rain check on our early coffee with the beautiful Beryl Brown. We were already struggling to keep up the pace. A quick visit to see Steve Carter, not even thinking wed see him at the Hired Hands gig, then lunch with daughter Gemma Filewood and her beautiful kids Harry and Jody and hubby Andrew. Back to our motel for a nap, a quick catchup with Tony Moroney, then off to the Loco for the Hired Hands concert. We had a ball. They are amazing to say the least. Experienced musos who can lug. Minimal rehearsal, a lot of follow me, it was indeed a great night to see Gary Steel, and brother Kirk, both on keys ( WOW!), Orlando Agostino (we call him Ollie) always solid, the irrepressible Pixie Jenkins, the wonderful Randall Wilson on drums, the steady Russell Adams on bass, and multi-instrumentalist Lawrie Minson on guitar, pedal steel and harmonicas (he left half his instruments at home). Russel and Gary were the only ones who didnt sing. But Man, can they play!! Linda had to be at work in Bangalow by lunch time so it was a really quick sleep and we were on the road. Reminiscing about the weekend. Linda had never seen the beauty of the New England, nor experienced any music of this genre, so I purposely mixed up the genre within the genre, and she was blown away by the White Mans blues. Now for a good nights sleep and Ill be up and at it to complete my move back south of the border next week. Cheers everyone
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:22:44 +0000

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