Back home now...had a lovely weekend seeing everybody- friends and - TopicsExpress


Back home now...had a lovely weekend seeing everybody- friends and family. I would like to thank Rob and Lynne for the great food buffet they put on for us, at the Victoria Whittington Moor: everyone enjoyed what was on offer and went back up for seconds. One chap ( and he did annoy me, went up five times) quite a stranger too not of our group. I watched as he gorged himself and almost asked it he would like a steam shovel he couldnt get it in his mouth fast enough, before piling his plate too at the same time. It was suggested that he might not have had anything to eat for ages, but it was a bloody liberty and he had beer on the table so I maintained if he could afford the beer he should be able to afford the food to eat too. It might sound mean of me, but I was always taught that manners maketh man......and his actions were rude to say the least. I will give anybody anything....but draw a decided line with P*** takers....... Thank you to all who came and made the event an enjoyable occasion, the memories and laughter they brought with them, as we reminisced about old times and those now in the next world. On the way to the Motorway we went through several villages, where those now in spirit had lived when here. It was as if they too wanted remembering if only in a small way...... I really enjoyed the event that I, in all honesty had not been looking forward to one little bit. How wrong I was !!! Thank you to all who made this possible.....caterers lol - Gladys for her hospitality yet again and the laughs we had too which seem to be a part of the two of us - Phil for his humour ( there is a special bond between him and myself that only his Gran would understand), and my son Colin and his partner Sharon, who, without their idea none of this would have happened. Lastly thanks to my daughter Sharon who was left to organise it all - gave her quite a few headaches calling round various people as well as driving so far from Poole and back today, under horrendous traffic problems we encountered on both our Grandma would say flower you need a medal as big as a frying pan. Lovely cake was supplied by my Granddaughter Carla......had my name, a bottle of bubbly with 1933 on it and a little silver 80th on top. Plus two candles to blow out as they all sang Happy Birthday - to me. Very nice cake to eat too Carla. XX Too right - I WAS treated like a queen......presents - more cards with money in.... a very special time.......XXXX
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:21:39 +0000

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