Back in 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that ‘when it - TopicsExpress


Back in 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that ‘when it comes to racism, America is a nation of cowards.’ He went on to say that “Certain subjects are off-limits and that to explore them risks at best embarrassment, and at worst, the questioning of one’s character. Interesting statement for a man whose Department of Injustice looks at cases through the lens of race. It’s also a fairly hypocritical one considering the fact that opposition to Obama’s policies, or even daring to question or ask for explanation, will get one labeled a racist. It is obvious that questioning one’s character due to speaking about certain subjects that are deemed off-limits does not apply to him and his ilk. After all, we have seen Holder, Obama, and many on the left label the Tea Party movement as having nothing to do with policy, but everything to do with the color of Obama’s skin. We have seen Holder exhibit a double standard time and time when it comes to the allegation of a race based hate crime. We have even seen Barack Obama, prior to knowing all the facts, immediately say that a white police officer acted stupidly in the arrest of a black man who turned out to be Obama’s former professor at Harvard. But, none of this matters. In the eyes of a racial zealot like Holder, racism has to exist and even when it doesn’t he will deem it to be so. During a recent interview with the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, Holder doubled down on his accusation of America as a nation of racist cowards. When asked if he would take back his 2009 statement, Holder said that he would not. At the Daily Caller, Neil Munro breaks down the numerous race-based attacks on people, companies, and schools at the hands of both Holder and Obama. During his tenure, Holder has greatly expanded the range of race-related lawsuits filed against companies, schools and governments. For example, his department recently threatened to sue schools where African Americans are disciplined differently than Asian or white students. His agency has extracted billions of dollars in payments from banks after unintentional racial differences were detected in their lending patterns. He has also rolled back drug penalties imposed on African Americans. Holder’s boss, President Barack Obama, recently told The New Yorker that he supported a reform of marijuana laws, partly because many Africans Americans have been jailed for violating those laws. During the interview, Holder also threatened to sue states if his deputies see a racial purpose behind voter-identification laws that have already been approved by the Supreme Court. Holder also hinted at a wave of new lawsuits amid the growing diversity caused by immigration. This is a disturbing pattern by Barack Obama and Erick Holder in regards to not just race, but also how they respond to things. But, when you have radical black militants in top positions within the United States government, perhaps this type of racial divide and fueling of the flames of racism should be expected. After all, Attorney General Eric Holder was, among other things, involved in an armed takeover of an abandoned ROTC office at Columbia University in the name of ‘black rights’. President Barack Obama actively sought out the Marxists while in college, abandoned his white half, and attended an America bashing Black Liberation Theology church for over 20 years. With that type of militant, anti-white, race-baiting view of America that fills the history of these two men, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that Holder has doubled down on his belief that when it comes to race, America is a nation of cowards. tpnn/2014/01/25/eric-holder-america-is-still-a-nation-of-racist-cowards/
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:49:19 +0000

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