Back in 2009 I made the bald prediction that what ACA was going to - TopicsExpress


Back in 2009 I made the bald prediction that what ACA was going to do (after reading the entire bill, which most people did not) was destroy what was left of private health care in the United States. It could do nothing other than that because it protected, in statute, the outrageous asset-stripping schemes that our health system had embodied, it protected acts that in virtually any other line of business would be felonies and it ensconced in statute, backed by government force, the demand that you personally fund that crap to and in fact beyond the limit of your ability to pay. It thus had to either destroy the health care industry, the economy or both. Well, its going to be both unless its stopped folks. Matching this unbelievable (yet apparently valid) accusation against the list of abuses perpetrated by the British king our nation revolted against over two centuries ago leaves that king a saint relatively. Law abuse is gross beyond belief in this country (e.g. health care monopoly sustained by regulations, influence, and consequent price fixing), and it all comes down to the unalienable right to liberty and the people in power (in private and public sectors) infringing upon that right ad nauseum to protect the children and pretend to create equality (whoever defines equality becomes the upper class -- i.e. shifts seemingly inequality to their benefit -- demonstrably throughout history and around the world today). Why seemingly? Because stress is the great equalizer, not money. Wealthy people have horrible problems too (I know this via experience and observation of others). Would you really choose to be a rich person with no sense of humor, instead of being poor with a sense of humor? How about rich without love and/or any social skills? Actual equality is naturally defined by realitys apparent need for balance similar to that of literally 100% of the other systems humanity has ever encountered (trillion upon trillions of them from the largest scales in the cosmos down to the tiniest ones). Brace yourself, folks. A metaphorical tidal wave is coming to the U.S. (and likely beyond). Dont panic and never quit share the spot of rule #1 imho. Humanity can get through it, but ample cleansing is apparently upon us. Those abusing power will learn the brutally hard way (if they refuse to properly diffuse the situation to minimize inevitable damage against them) that realitys law (i.e. realitys need for balance for stability) dominates all within reality and there is no infinite amplitude (i.e. domination is spent and can only be earned by being dominated in this lifetime or the logically probable one beyond it in any direction, such logical probability beyond the scope of this already lengthy post). Hopefully, humanity will build law on objectively proven harm (i.e. actual justice) instead of legally defining risk and the horrible, ironic, and serious risk in allowing that against true liberty. Risk awareness is obviously prudent, as is exposing corruption, but relying upon law as a solution is as unwise as it gets, given the inevitable (at least demonstrably throughout history) increasing law abuse against the common good. Education is the only option for risk awareness in a nation with an unalienable right to liberty, and corruption can only be defeated by sufficient public exposure (not regulations, which too often, if not always, become tools for more corruption).
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:25:08 +0000

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