Back in Asheville after tonights gig in Columbia SC. To be - TopicsExpress


Back in Asheville after tonights gig in Columbia SC. To be honest, I had heard from the venue guy that they didnt have a large reservation list and i had to consciously practice letting go of outcomes. Considering I drove from Texas for one gig (that was originally supposed to be three gigs), I decided to make lemonade from lemons. To focus on the good. The chance to spend time in my soon to be new hometown. The chance to do a gig with the AMAZING Chris Rosser as my side guy. The chance to meet new friends. The chance to sing my heart out and let it ALL go. Turns out, it was unexpectedly one of my better gigs. I sang well. Played well. But most important, I connected with the audience in a big way tonight. Got so much feedback at the break and at the end. People laughed. A lot of tears. A lot of hugging and thank yous and see you next times. The crowd doubled from the expected reservation list. Made more money than I expected to. Sold way more CDs than I thought I would. But even more importantly, I felt filled with joy. For getting to do what love. The joy of sharing my heart. The joy of watching other hearts open as a result of my willingness to be vulnerable. A good lesson in showing up. Being present. And letting the blessings fall where they fall. Tonight they fell all over me. Such sweetness to sleep on. Nite nite everyone.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 06:37:01 +0000

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